Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Security bug - Wifi vs Wired on RPI
I have a strange issue, which I’ve been narrowing down but can’t seem to resolve. Someone more knowledgeable should be able to help.
My router recently failed, and my ISP replaced it with a Linksys router. They replaced the main wifi settings so some things work fine, yet others do not.
I tried upgrading using the script, and initially met with failure. Eventually I got it working by hard wiring the RPI. In fact I got it all working by hard wiring the RPI, so it wasn’t an update thing after all.
I am running Calender Ext - and that is working fine. I am also running OneCallWeather and UKTide - neither is working. The issue appears to be that the MM is not even fetching the data, whether it is struggling to resolve servers or getting stuck at a firewall, I dont know. Both modules are stuck at “Loading…” Nothing showing in the errors when running npm start dev.
I am running Debain Bookworm. Latest version of MM. Node v20.18.1
So, how can I recode the weather and tide to behave similar to Calendar? How can I make the RPI think I am as secure as a wired connection? Or how can I kick a Linksys router into allowing the appropriate packets through?
Thanks all!
@captsi for OneCallWeather you need to get a new v3 apikey
which requires a credit card. usage below 1000 api requests per day are currently freei do not know on Uktide. did you look at its github page issues tab for any reports similar to yours?
@sdetweil I’ve been happily running the OpenWeather for 3 years, and the weather API works fine when it’s hard wired! Defo not the 1000 requests issue. Thanks for the pointer though.
@captsi ok, sounds like a wifi bad router
Can you reconfigure the new router to the same settings you had in the old one.
or update the pi to the new wifi?