Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
How Can I Display Live Qibla Direction on My MagicMirror Without Lag?
@mumblebaj google maps will give your gps coordinates to 6 decimal places . i don’t know how you tell the web page
@sdetweil How do you get the coordinates if the Pi does not have location services for Google Maps to determine your location? It will give it if you tell it where you are.
@mumblebaj i just look up my address and the gps is in the url
@mumblebaj i dont know how it does it. but the position is correct for where i am standing in the house, one side or the other. none of my computers have gps
the MagicMirror system is not moving around, and if you were using a remote browser, then gps on the server side would be wrong too
@Munya-Pualani this site Bx = Math.cos(,kmhas the formulas for bearing and distance using two gps locations.
drawing an arrow pointing on that bearing using web technologies is also well known