Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Time + Date content changes when viewed over tailscale
I’m traveling internationally and accessed the mirror in my home office over my tailscale VPN. When doing so, the clock module shows the time where I am and not where it is. I think openweathermap does too.
Is this expected behavior?
@JohnGalt are using a browser locally or browser on the MagicMirror host ?
@clock runs all in browser, it will be where the browser is, same for weather
@sdetweil - the mirror is in the US (running on a raspberry pi connected to a local monitor), and I’m viewing it on my phone from Japan by accessing my home network over a tailscale VPN/zero tier network.
@sdetweil - ok, I think I understand. Somehow I thought if I removed into the network, the magic mirror would perceive me as just being there on the local network - and thereby continue presenting the local data.
There must be something in the tailscale VPN that affects the magic mirror.
@JohnGalt vpn is a network, if the browser connecting to home is running on the phone, the the date/time shown is the phone’s, date/time
if you vnc’d to your mirror machine (over your vpn connection), then the graphical bits on the screen there are redisplayed on the phone screen. this shows the content from the screen attached to the mirror system. and as such would show the date/time at the mirror system
@sdetweil - Thanks Sam. Viewed from that perspective it makes perfect sense! I’ll see if I can put a vnc client back on my phone and do it that way.
@JohnGalt you have to setup the vnc server too
@sdetweil – True. I usually setup my Raspberry Pi servers with vnc enabled, but it’s been a while so I appreciate the reminder.