Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
How to display both Celsius and Fahrenheit
Hi community,
New to playing with Magic Mirror platform and first Raspberry pi project.
As the header eludes I am trying to figure out whether it is possible to display both Celsius and Fahrenheit together, the ideal would be to display 10°C / 50°F (In case wondering why the need for both, the context is that I am British and my partner is American). I am familiar with how to set metric or imperial both globally and per module, and would rather not duplicate modules for the sake of having both standards.
So far, searching on this forum and others only finds posts seeking to solve issues where imperial is displayed instead of metric and vice versa. I had wondered whether there was a js solution, but I’m not familiar with the language so would need to read up on it.
Not sure whether a config file is useful, but can share if needed. Currently using openweathermap as weather provider, and have been able to display Celsius or Fahrenheit but not both together. Any help or pointers to a solution welcome.
@digimunky but two instances can display both
the modules are designed for single temp range at a time