Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Spotify problem with the ./Token-js and the token
hello @sdetweil,
yes we are using this module : have followed the instructions on the website but it won t start and we have looked
like 5 times if we done the right steps.can you also say us if the module can play music on the MagicMirror or does it just display the cover of the actuell song.
kind regards
Future_Mirror -
@Future.Mirror all of the modules just display status
you need a system library
raspotify to do the actual interaction with spotify
AND you MUST have a premium spotify account for the raspotify to workwhat happens when you do the commands
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Spotify node first_auth.js
Hello @sdetweil ,
if we start then command then a new website show and there it stand from magicmirror1 auth site then when we click on agree then there stand website unreachable.
@Future.Mirror what did you configure at the redirect URI?
Go to Navigate to DASHBOARD > Create an app (fill information as your thought) Setup the app created, (EDIT SETTINGS) Redirect URIs. : http://localhost:8888/callback
beyond that I do not know
we did these steps