Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-CalendarExt3 and MMM-MonthlyCalendar blank
@sdetweil OK, I will keep the various SD cards with working and non working version for a while just in case it would be of help.
@Scott-M thanks… appreciate that
I had one more attempt at this, this time I ran an update and upgrade before running your script and this time it worked. Cannot see why that would be…
Happy to experiment more if you need more info but I am going to start on building the 2 way mirror now!
@Scott-M and my script does that before too, its in the install.log file
I am sorry if this has been a wild goose chase and a waste of your time. I flashed the SD card, ran the script several times and it didn’t work, I will try one more time tomorrow and leave it at that.Random results from repeating the same process are very frustrating.
@Scott-M frustrating indeed
but its normal
Results from todays adventures writing Pi images to SD cards…
I don’t really know what, if any difference there could be but I flashed 4 SD cards with the same
64 bit Bookworm image.2 of them, I just ran the install script and let it update the system. The other 2, I updated / upgraded first. 1 with apt full-upgrade and the other with apt upgrade and then ran the install script.
The first 2 stopped at the same point on the starting server message and the other 2 just worked.
When the system stops at the starting server message, CTRL-C doesn’t do anything so SIGINT is not being picked up.
It may well just be something peculiar to my setup or enviroment.
@Scott-M great feedback… I have family stuff most of the day today…
did you do npm install or npm run install-mm
npm run install-mm is more like what I do in the script… which limits what things npm does…
npm install does everything possible
I didn’t do either, I just ran your script from first run on the OS on the first 2 cards. On the other 2 cards, on first run of the OS I entered
sudo apt update sudo apt full-upgrade bash -c "$(curl -sL"
The only difference between them is your script not updating the system. It may all just be a coincidence and someone else with same hardware verifying would be helpful.
@Scott-M ah… ok, I don’t do full-upgrade… only upgrade
Use apt upgrade for routine updates when you don't want to risk removing packages. Use apt full-upgrade when you need to ensure that all packages are up-to-date, even if it means removing some packages. Be cautious when using apt full-upgrade as it can potentially remove packages that you might need.
but it seems that full-upgrade handles some dependencies NOT handled by upgrade, which seems like a bug to me… whats the point of upgrade if dependencies aren’t handled…