Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Facial-Recognition cannot sendSocketNotification()
I’m trying to get the troubleshoot the MMM-Facial-Recognition module, and I have narrowed it down to the node_helper not being able to sendSocketNotification().
I added a line to socketNotifcationRecieved() within the node_helper.js file to test this.
// Subclass socketNotificationReceived received. socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { if(notification === 'CONFIG') { this.config = payload if(!pythonStarted) { pythonStarted = true; // I ADDED THE FOLLOWING LINE: this.sendSocketNotification("Test", "sendSocketNotification to module"); this.python_start(); }; }; },
and then I also added a console.log to the MMM-Facial-Recognition.js to print out any received socket Notifications.
socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { //For testing purposes console.log(notification)
However, nothing prints out in the console.
I am troubleshooting this, because even though the module recognizes my face and logs me in, no alert comes up on the mirror and none of the modules update.
Note: The module itself is able to sendSocketNotification to the node_helper because the python_shell does start and the recognition python script runs with the correct configuration.
Thank you in advance for your help.
UPDATE: This, like some other issues I was running into was actually caused by the application freezing when it could not load ‘css/custom.css’.
This is because the .gitignore does not track custom.css and I, like many others, edit my code on my desktop and then push the changes via git to my RPi.