Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Screen's Brightness Pisses Me Off
What mirror are using? Especially the transmission seem quite high
@Wahbi What is the exact problem? your comments are some ambiguous.
Ist thatblue
(?) background, not your intention? You’d better control not only brightness but alsocontrast
. set brightness around 50%, and raise the contrast over 50%. It might be a solution. -
Backlight is an issue with almost all LCD screens, this can be remedied by either a mirror with less light transmission (this will effectively dampen all light, even the parts you want to show.) or switch the monitor to a better one with a higher contrast, LED is usually better than CCFL when it comes to bleed through of the backlight. If you have a lot of money OLED is the shizzle, but it’s almost impossible to find in monitor sizes.
@schlachtkreuzer6 tbs I got really a cheap one next door, I already have orderd a better one from ebay. hope it would make a difference. other than that the issue could be from the lcd I’m using
@davidnesbitt7 I haven’t heared of MMM-remote-control before, looks really useful. thanks for the heads up, I definitely gonna try it out.
@broberg I already have ordered a new mirror with 15% light transmission, not sure if that’s good enough. I’m also afraid that issue from the backlight, because the lcd’s backlight was broken and I manged to find someone to get it fixed for me.
@Sean the background isn’t blue, it’s black. possibly that the angle of the photo I took makes look like blue. I already have tried to set the brightness and the contrast both to 50% still same thing. but it’s possible that the type of the mirror I’m using really sucks. that’s why I ordered another one