Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Todoist - Your todoist tasks on your mirror
@Lange Good idea… I thought about looking to adding it as an option set in config file. It may be a few weeks before I can maybe start to take a look at it.
I want to extend the module a little bit:
- Project Name as header
- Project color in front of the name / the todos
- reminder icon behind the todo (due date like the discussion above)
I tried a few things (from @tidus5 within the fetcher). But I can’t get it to work. Any hints / ideas?
@djsunrise19 Hello
i’m on holiday. Can send you the files when i’m back. you need to change the fetcher indeed.
Have a nice day
This is my code
it’s based on 2 users (i badly commented the code)/* Magic Mirror * Fetcher * * * By Michael Teeuw edited for Wunderlist by Paul-Vincent Roll * Edited again for Todoist by Chris Brooker * * MIT Licensed. */ var request = require("request"); /* Fetcher * Responsible for requesting an update on the set interval and broadcasting the data. * * attribute listID string - ID of the Wunderlist list. * attribute reloadInterval number - Reload interval in milliseconds. */ function dateDiff(date1, date2){ var diff = {} // Initialisation du retour var tmp = date2 - date1; tmp = Math.floor(tmp/1000); // Nombre de secondes entre les 2 dates diff.sec = tmp % 60; // Extraction du nombre de secondes tmp = Math.floor((tmp-diff.sec)/60); // Nombre de minutes (partie entière) diff.min = tmp % 60; // Extraction du nombre de minutes tmp = Math.floor((tmp-diff.min)/60); // Nombre d'heures (entières) diff.hour = tmp % 24; // Extraction du nombre d'heures tmp = Math.floor((tmp-diff.hour)/24); // Nombre de jours restants = tmp; return diff; } var Fetcher = function(listID, reloadInterval, accessToken, clientID) { var self = this; if (reloadInterval < 1000) { reloadInterval = 1000; } var reloadTimer = null; var items = []; var fetchFailedCallback = function() {}; var itemsReceivedCallback = function() {}; /* private methods */ /* fetchTodos() * Request the new items. */ var fetchTodos = function() { clearTimeout(reloadTimer); reloadTimer = null; request({ url: "", method: "POST", headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'cache-control': 'no-cache' }, form: { token: accessToken, sync_token: '*', resource_types: '["items"]' } }, function(error, response, body) { if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) { items = []; for (var i = 0; i < JSON.parse(body).items.length; i++) { if (JSON.parse(body).items[i].project_id == listID) { donneetableau = JSON.parse(body).items[i]; onbalance = []; icontodo = []; assignedname = []; datedueretour = []; contentretour = []; assignedtodoname = []; checkedretour = []; if (donneetableau.priority == '1') {icontodo ='<i></i> '} else if (donneetableau.priority == '2') {icontodo ='<i></i> '} else if (donneetableau.priority == '3') {icontodo ='<i></i> '} else {icontodo ='<i></i> '} if (donneetableau.assigned_by_uid == 'XXXXXXXX') {assignedname ='(XXXXX)'}//TEST first XXX UID second XXXX yourname else if (donneetableau.assigned_by_uid == 'XXXXXXX') {assignedname ='(XXXXXX)'}//TEST first XXX UID second XXXX yourname else {assignedname ='Inconnu'}; if (donneetableau.due_date_utc) { date1 = new Date(); date2 = new Date(donneetableau.due_date_utc); diff = dateDiff(date1, date2); if ( = '1') {datedueretour += + 'd <i></i> ';} else if (diff.hour >= '1') {datedueretour += diff.hour + 'h <i></i> ';} else {datedueretour += diff.min + 'min <i></i> ';}; } else {datedueretour =''}; contentretour = donneetableau.content; if (donneetableau.responsible_uid ) { if (donneetableau.responsible_uid == 'XXXXXXX') { assignedtodoname ='<i></i> ' } ////YOUR UID USER else if (donneetableau.responsible_uid == 'XXXXXXX') {assignedtodoname ='<i></i> '} else {assignedtodoname ='Inconnu'}; // YOUR UID USER } else { assignedtodoname ='' }; checkedretour = donneetableau.checked; onbalance +=assignedtodoname + icontodo + datedueretour + contentretour; items.push(onbalance); //items.split('\n'); //priority.push(JSON.parse(body).priority[i].priority); //datedue.push(JSON.parse(body).datedue[i].due_date_utc); } } self.broadcastItems(); scheduleTimer(); } }); }; /* scheduleTimer() * Schedule the timer for the next update. */ var scheduleTimer = function() { //console.log('Schedule update timer.'); clearTimeout(reloadTimer); reloadTimer = setTimeout(function() { fetchTodos(); }, reloadInterval); }; /* public methods */ /* setReloadInterval() * Update the reload interval, but only if we need to increase the speed. * * attribute interval number - Interval for the update in milliseconds. */ this.setReloadInterval = function(interval) { if (interval > 1000 && interval < reloadInterval) { reloadInterval = interval; } }; /* startFetch() * Initiate fetchTodos(); */ this.startFetch = function() { fetchTodos(); }; /* broadcastItems() * Broadcast the exsisting items. */ this.broadcastItems = function() { if (items.length
Dumb question, how do you exactly generate the access token? I’m a little bit confused…
From pm2 logs, I read:
** Message: console message: http://localhost:8080/modules/MMM-Todoist//MMM-Todoist.js @199: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘>’
I used the access token generated from here, but I’m not sure about the process, which App service URL did you use? Which OAuth redirect URL? And last which token is the right one? I can see three of them
Thanks in advance -
Not a dumb question, don’t worry! Oauth2 can be super confusing, and everyone does it a little differently which is… frustrating at best.
Access Token
you need is the 3rd one, what they refer to as yourTest Token
on the page. (The idea behind this is that with OA2, each would-be client has to use its ID and Secret to ask for specific account access for each account it wants to see. They basically did that process for you once, for testing or personal things like this that only need your account.)You don’t need to worry about the OAuth redirect URL or the App Service URL. I have each filled with
but I don’t think either are required at all.Hopefully this gets you up and running!
Thank you, now it’s working
Is there a way to add bullets before each task?
Hi. Is it possible to show who the task is assigned to? Trying to set up a to-do list for the kids to show their chores.
Todoist is working on my MM, but the day is not right. I have a daily recurring task that says “today” on my mirror, but is “tomorrow” when I look on directly or on my phone app.
Has anyone else seen and resolved this behavior?