Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Trouble with PIR sensor
I don’t have a relay at the moment but I’m going to order one. In the mean time, I tried part 2 of your guide to test if I could get the PIR sensor working but it’s not. The HDMI port is disabled after 120 seconds of no presence in the sensor. When I wave my hand in front of the sensor to turn the pi back on, the HDMI port activates but I only get a black screen. Any suggestions for what to do?
Look above :)
I really appreciate the help. Been struggling with the PIR sensor for a week now. Is there a specific relay I should be looking for? I managed to get everything working with the PIR sensor, but once the TV turns off after there is no input detected, the PIR sensor can’t turn the tv back on. So it is not the most viable solution.
did u try what i posted?
U said, u tried part 2 of the tutorial. So u should have a “” and a “”
Try to change the content to the following:
sudo vcgencmd display_power 1
sudo vcgencmd display_power 0
for monitor_off.shor
sudo tvservice -p && sudo chvt 9 && sudo chvt 7
sudo tvservice -o
for monitor_off.shIf these don’t work at all u should go for the relay.
U could use every relay u want, but u should search for a 3 - 5V relay because otherwise u need to install a transistor. -
I got a relay and followed your guide to connect it. The relay has an LED light on it but it doesn’t seem to trigger. I still have all the code setup for turning off the HDMI port with the PIR sensor, so I’m not sure if thats the problem. Any suggestions?
Do u have a link to your relay? Do u hear it clicking?
I dont hear it clicking. Thats the relay i purchased
When I run the python script, the relay clicks and the green light turns on, but once I end that script, the light doesn’t come back on
hmm… I will check this tomorrow and will give a result
Installed a fresh Raspbian Stretch Desktop and just created the which runs perfectly. can start and stop whenever i want the script and even autostart on reboot works great.
Hmm… so we used several options and nothing seems to work… You should delete all things we made and start again.
Maybe just try to create the relay script on point 5.2
So I deleted everything and started over. Followed your instructions from point 5.2 and it’s still not working. Really not sure where to go from here