Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MM2 Blank Screen - Works on SeverOnly
I have seen many issues covered under the Black Screen of death issue, and I have been trough almost every page on the forum regarding this issue.
- I am running the standard config.js file
- I have tried removing the “en” language value
- I have tried running NPM install in the vendor folder
- Working great on node severonly
Node: v5.12.0
NPM: 3.8.6No immediate errors on the console other than missing API’s, which is to be expected.
@MichMich, I know this is an rehash of an old thread, but I feel like I have tried everything. Please would you consider helping out, I am trying to bring this to project to my students in our Creative Technologies department.
Awesome project, wish I could start exploring the third party modules already!
did u just install?? the current version of electron browser has a problem… i had to downgrade to get it to run
in the MM folder
npm remove electron
npm install electron@1.7.9Sam
Sam, if you where here I would hug you tenderly… ITS WORKING! Thank you so much! Its been a 8 hours trouble shooting session… again, thanks for the help.My students will sing songs of your heroism.
glad you got it working