Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MM Update - GIT error
strange behaviour… i am in my root folder for MagicMirror: /home/pi/MagicMirror/without sudo command same result
delete the file giving he error…
.git/objects/5d/fba0b834306cc81693307ab0d1bf24e798a46a is empty
thanks a lot! This works, but now the next issue -.-
git pull && npm install error: refs/remotes/origin/develop does not point to a valid object! error: refs/remotes/origin/develop does not point to a valid object! error: refs/remotes/origin/develop does not point to a valid object! error: refs/remotes/origin/develop does not point to a valid object! remote: Enumerating objects: 507, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (507/507), done. error: object file .git/objects/36/766f9a0089766d4a0e164f3f0b198dadcf60c4 is empty fatal: SHA1 KOLLISION MIT 36766f9a0089766d4a0e164f3f0b198dadcf60c4 GEFUNDEN ! fatal: index-pack fehlgeschlagen
@justjim1220 said in MM Update - GIT error:
npm rebuild
from the MagicMirror directorythen reboot your system
rebuild was sucessfull, but not working. Problem still alive
delete the file causing new error…
.git/objects/36/766f9a0089766d4a0e164f3f0b198dadcf60c4 is empty
Then rebuild again…
npm rebuild
then reboot again
if this doesn’t work, you may need to do the git pull && npm install again
@justjim1220 said in MM Update - GIT error:
git pull && npm install
- detele file: check
- npm rebuild: check
- reboot: check
- new request for git pull && npm install: same behaviour…
git pull && npm install error: refs/remotes/origin/develop does not point to a valid object! error: refs/remotes/origin/develop does not point to a valid object! error: refs/remotes/origin/develop does not point to a valid object! error: refs/remotes/origin/develop does not point to a valid object! remote: Enumerating objects: 507, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (507/507), done. remote: Total 1591 (delta 507), reused 507 (delta 507), pack-reused 1084 Empfange Objekte: 100% (1591/1591), 691.80 KiB | 463.00 KiB/s, Fertig. error: object file .git/objects/df/fc042df5d96cc8f7a956c12a2e002004d4cf7d is empty fatal: SHA1 KOLLISION MIT dffc042df5d96cc8f7a956c12a2e002004d4cf7d GEFUNDEN ! fatal: index-pack fehlgeschlagen
Well, I am not sure what is happening…
My best guess is to delete the .git folder then redo the git pull && npm install -
Rename your MagicMirror folder to MM-BAKthen git clone MagicMirror for a fresh install
Then move your modules folder, config.js, and custom.css files over to the fresh install
might also need to move the package.json and package-lock.json files from the bak to the fresh install
And, anytime I have dealt with anything like this, I always have to rebuild, or reboot, or both
Maybe this was the issue.