A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
calendar module: Today at HH:MM
Searching did not lead to a solution.
My current config shows date and time for all items (for example Nov 19th 12:00).
I would like to see “Today at 12:00” for todays items.
Is that posible ?module: "calendar", disabled: false, header: "Family Calendar", position: "top_left", maximumEntries: 12, maximumNumberOfDays: 365, fetchInterval: 300000, maxTitleLength: 35, getRelative: 0, timeFormat: "absolute", dateFormat: "MMM Do kk:mm", fullDayEventDateFormat: "MMM Do", showEnd: false, displaySymbol: false,
I see several examples where Today and Tommorow is displayed, but did not see the corresponding config.
In my config I added / changed
urgency: 2, getRelative: 6,
Still no joy.