Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Syntax error in python-shell
usually that error means that somehow an object was passed into the JSON.parse() routine, which expects are string…
Yea, I kind of found out what is triggering it, however I`m not sure how to stop it. The flick Large module is sending direction == OUTPUT messages continuously for some reason. Any idea what this is or how to make a filter to stop it?
Sorry know nothing about flick
Here is the code I`ve written and adapted to work as MMM module.
Solved. It was actually the GPIO library for the ASUS tinker board, its RPi.GPIO implementation actually. It had a useless printf that sent that annoying message that messed up the json message. I removed that line and rebuilt from source and now it`s working flawlessly. Thanks.
@radu_stancu great debugging! and thanks for the detailed feedback… someone else might fall into this same trouble