Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Running Python under node.js
A few weeks ago I started looking into getting notifications onto the mirror from python. Whilst it was relatively straight forward to run python within a shell from the node-helper, I ran into various problems with user privileges and environments.
To get around this I had a play with rabbitmq. Using amqp for the node end and pika for the python. This opens up a whole world of possibilities for my mirror without having to learn javascript (above the basics & plagiarising code snippets from the built in modules) .
node-helper end looks like. Sorry it’s a bit messy & I went overboard on the error capture.
var amqp = require("amqplib/callback_api"); PStart: function starter() { const self = this; amqp.connect("amqp://localhost", function(err, conn) { if (err) { console.error("[AMQP]", err.message); return setTimeout(starter, 1000); } conn.on("error", function(err) { if (err.message !== "Connection closing") { console.error("[AMQP] conn error", err.message); } }); conn.on("close", function() { console.error("[AMQP] reconnecting"); return setTimeout(starter, 1000); }); console.log("[AMQP] connected"); amqpConn = conn; amqpConn.createChannel(function(err, ch) { if (closeOnErr(err)) return; ch.on("error", function(err) { console.error("[AMQP] channel error", err.message); }); ch.on("close", function() { console.log("[AMQP] channel closed"); }); ch.prefetch(10); ch.assertQueue("message", { durable: false }, function(err, _ok) { if (closeOnErr(err)) return; ch.consume("message", function(msg) { try { var fp = JSON.parse(msg.content.toString()); ch.ack(msg); } catch (e) { closeOnErr(e); } if (fp[0].data == "data"){ self.sendData({"PlrStat": fp[0].PlrStat, "TrkNxt":fp[0].TrkNext, "Station": fp[0].Station, "Said": fp[0].Said); } else if (fp[0] == "status") { console.log("[MMM-Radio]" + fp[0].status); } else { console.log("Got something"); console.log(msg); console.log(fp[0].data);} })}, { noAck: false }); console.log("Worked"); }); }); } }); function closeOnErr(err) { if (!err) return false; console.error("[AMQP] error", err); amqpConn.close(); this.Pstart(); return true; }
Python end:
import pika def to_node(message): try: channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key='message', body=json.dumps(message)) except Exception: connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host='localhost')) channel = channel.queue_declare(queue='message') channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key='message', body=json.dumps(message))
The bit in the exception is the initial setup for the connection, it does occasionally time out so re-establish if the publishing doesn’t work.
Some useful tutorials on rabbitmq can be found here
Hope this is a help to some of you who know very little about js & do all the complicated stuff with other languages.
@grantc66 cool, thanks…
for node, you could have spun off a long running python app,
and added data.on() event handlers in javascript node_helper to get called each time the python app wrote to the console (stdout)… which could have been json data, or whatever text you likedconst {spawn} = require('child_process') const child = spawn('pwd'); child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { console.log(`child stdout:\n${data}`); }); child.stderr.on('data', (data) => { console.error(`child stderr:\n${data}`); });
Node js is one of the powerful tools of programming and using this if you are working on python it help you a lot. printer offline fix helped me to know more about python.