Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Finding module with high external traffic
@Sean I think I found the “culprit”, it may be the Spotify module’s polling. I just increased the interval and will see if the traffic decreases.
@sdetweil the IP resolves to a generic Google host, currently - I think it is used by Spotify.
@mmmmh Yes, it retrieves requests per 1~2 seconds. Unfortunately Spotify Web API doesn’t support push mechanism to get status updated. So it needs pooling. I recommend 2000 ms or more frequency to update current playback if you don’t care.
@Sean I think I read somewhere that callback addresses could be provided (perhaps I misread this). If I have a DynDNS-backed FQD host and forwarded port I can provide, would this stop the polling requirement?
@mmmmh I don’t think so. To update current playback info (The playing status, playing time,…) on real time, This module has to call Spotify Web APIs frequently.
@Sean I checked again, you are right, polling is the only option. Thanks for your cool module!