Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
InWall Mirror
Hi folks!
i wanted to share my InWall MagicMirror after it is finished. But i’m looking for more likes and faves on my facebook site and therefore i’m placing my link here beforehand :D
It is a workers blog of my wife and me how we design our house. Actually we have the biggest project running and the Magic Mirror is a part of it.
Guess where it will be build in ;)
I will post pictures here after i finished it. The system is already working a few month but only for development on a desk.
Would be great if some of you will have a look on our projects and give some likes and shares ;D
Dirk -
As i said, some pictures will come if i start the InWall Mirror.
Draft where the mirror will be.
With hardware, the Pi has to do some more jobs with the houseautomation
The PIR will be mounted next to it within the wall, too
The LCD need to be a door for the maintenance ;)
Yeah need another direction :D
Now waiting for the mirror and frame.
View of the new Kitchen i’m building now with MagicMirror :)
Check out my Facebook Site for the grand construction blog! :D Give some likes and shares if you like it ;)
Finally i got the mirror and frame! :D
The mirror comes from and the frame has been ordered at
@DirkS LOL @ “Na, Zuggerschneggsche!”
For those who don’t know … hmm, should I call it German? ;P
This is some deep dialect. Zuckerschnecke -> Sugar snail -> like sweetie or sugar plum ;)
But this is a nice work!
I had in mind to hide the socket behind the mirror but you got serious! ;)
Thumbs up!Nice way to “hide” the PIR sensor! :D
:D it is also the hessisch mirror ^^
@done try to translate “Geil wuzz!” :D it is impossible, right? :D
@DirkS It’s already impossible to translate this in proper German :D
@done hahah! yes that’s right :D
that are all the compliments:
morning: [ "Gumoje, Schnibbelsche!", "Scheene Doag!", "Ei guude wie?", "Wie hoaschde gepennt?", "Na du Stinkwatz?" ], afternoon: [ "Na, Schnuggelsche!", "Du bischd subber!", "Guude!", "Gud sieschde aus!" ], evening: [ "Des zischt wie Abbelsaft!", "Na, Zuckerschneggsche?", "Erbaame! Zu Spät!", "Geil Wuzz!"
Very nice build!!
Did you do anything for ventilation? I guess it gets warm behind the mirror? -
@gizzmo Thanks a lot. I measure the temperatur inside with a DS18B20 sensor to get knowledge about the heating. I do not exceed 32 °C since starting to use it. The next summer i need to see. But the frame is not directly at the wall because of the way of mounting it. So i have 5mm space between and some air can circulate.