Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Magic Mirror will not boot but Pi will, Cache issue?
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@tkaauf32 ok, disk is full…
the du thing above should give u a clue where…
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So this is what that displays. And I really don’t understand why it is taking up so much space because it worked previously. I don’t know what to remove to give more space?
@tkaauf32 thats only of your home folder… usually not a problem
notice I had /
du -a / 2>/dev/null | sort -n -r | head -n 10
Okay so after typing correctly (my apologies, im not very savvy in this)
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@tkaauf32 change head -n 10 to -n 20
I hope you can decipher this haha
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@tkaauf32 need with head -n 20, to give more lines of output
/opt/Wolfram is taking a bit of space
@sdetweil I pasted the wrong image. Thanks for your patience with me
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@tkaauf32 its not the logs… not even showing in the top 20.
that /opt/Wolfram is taking 16.7 % or disk space (1146764/6846289)
/usr/lib & share is taking 53%
I would guess that your memory card is too small…what size is it?
what did u add last?