Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@charp07 figured it out! Sorry!
@j-e-f-f This feature (grouping by day) would be awesome! Have you had a chance to make any progress on this?
Did anybody’s MMM-MyCalendar module break after daylight savings (Sunday November 3rd)? Both my “MMM-MyCalendar” AND “MMM-CalendarExt2” modules are showing events on the wrong days now. The problem seems to only occur with reoccurring events; they usually show up one day earlier. Rebooting does not correct the issue. I hope someone can figure this out soon 😞
Hey. I found your Module last days and i love it. Thanks for that.
One question.
I have one added calendar (holidays) that have a “description” in his calendar entry.
So the Modul Shows three lines.
First with the Titel (christmas),
Second with date (24 Dezember)
third with description ( it possible to hide the description?
Salve ho installato oggi il modulo MMM-MyCalendar ma per cambiare le icone o i simboli ed assegnarle una diversa come si fa ?Potreste mettermi un esempio?Grazie.Inoltre è possibile cambiare colore esempio Martedi 5 Febbario rosso e Mercoledi 6 Febbraio in verde?Grazie.
Hi @j-e-f-f,
Thank you for the great module! :)
I have added an option to have a calendar label displayed before the event text as it looks more intuitive and does not require to remember colors :). If you are ok to have this added to your code I can either send the updates to you or create a pull request in github.Here is the screenshot (I use MM as a picture frame, not a mirror, with bright colored image, that’s why it is black on white in my case):
@charp07 What was the fix to your Loading issue?