Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
friend of mine has tried to get half the modules working with out success
@luke2102 but u have to do exactly the same thing for a windows mirror.
@luke2102 if your coming from the windows corner, I have a very strong assumption that the problems are caused by the Texteditor you use on your windows system. Typically windows users have the wrong end of line settings for Linux system , CR instead of LF, and/or set the wrong quotation marks. I’ve that so often, that I would bet on that :)
@Fozi true… if you install winscp or bitvise ssh clients, they both provide a file manager view over the PI files, so you use your windows editor just like always… notepad++ auto detects line ends (but you can force it too)…
with this and SSH I almost never use the keyboard on the pi.
winscp view
bitvise (see successful login) -
@sdetweil I turned many years ago from windows towards macOS and not that familiar with the tools on windows anymore. If winscp provides such support, that’s of course great. I think the OP should provide more details and we will certainly jointly help him.
@Fozi someone posted about similar tools on Mac
i use linux desktop and the caja file manager does the same ssh access
here are all my remote systems connected , and also connects to my virtual Mac over the network interface
@sdetweil Thanks for that hint!
@sdetweil thanks for the help guys.
but i will ditch MagicMirror idea for full version of windows installed on my mirror.
least i have full use of the OS and i can use openhab2 on the same system. along with similar features MagicMirror provides and i don’t have to use the raspberry pi