Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Voice command to open videos
I have seen a few posts that I thought were going to the same place I was and then veered off to the left. I have something I want to do with my mirror, but I’m not quite sure how to get there.
I am looking for a way to use a voice command (preferably offline, but accuracy counts for more) to open a video file that I locally store on my device. For example I want to say: “hey magic mirror, show me ‘video 1’” and have video one play. After it’s done I’d like it to go back to the standby screen, but that really seems like the little fish in this pond.
I looked at Hello Lucy, which I like because I found the phonetic file, but this module opens other modules. I’m not sure how to code it (if possible) to just play a video from a folder with a magic mirror player and then time out the player and bring it back to the main screen (say, the clock).
Anyone have any insight? -
I use GA assistant from bugsounet who no longer posts on this forum because he made his own forum, see on his github.
I made a recipe which allows me to run the raspbian vlc in full screen. which allows me to either launch a video (christmas tree or halloween) but especially watch the streaming stream from my dreambox directly on the mirror. when i stop looking i just say jarvis stop vlc and he comes back to the mirror.
I put an example of my recipe so you can have fun.
I speak French so see to change the sentences in your language.
var recipe = {
transcriptionHooks: {
“miroir vidéo”: {
pattern: “regarder miroir vidéo”,
command: “miroir_vidéo”
“rtsun”: {
pattern: “regarder rts1”,
command: “rtsun”
},“stop_vlc”: {
pattern: “stopper vlc”,
command: “stop_vlc”
},commands: {
“miroir_vidéo”: {
soundExec: {
chime: “close”,
shellExec: {
exec: “vlc -f file:///home/pi/MagicMirror/video/02.mp4”
“rtsun”: {
soundExec: {
chime: “close”,
shellExec: {
exec: “vlc -f http://...:****/1:0:19:4333:300C:13E:820000:0:0:0:”
“stop_vlc”: {
soundExec: {
chime: “close”,
shellExec: {
exec: “killall vlc”
exports.recipe = recipe // Don’t remove this line.
the path to local videos for url loading is
note they have to be in the mm modules folder tree to be able to use the mm server to load them
Bon travail, pourriez-vous me donner des explications sur la ligne suivante :
exec: “vlc -f http://…:****/1:0:19:4333:300C:13E:820000:0:0:0:”merci d’avance,
Paul -
c’est la ligne qui correspond a une chaine télé de ma dreambox.
a vous de changer, je pense que sa doit être possible de mettre une ligne pour de l’iptv ou autres.sur le 1er exemple
quand je dis regarder miroir vidéo, il m’ouvre un fichier vidéo stocké dans le chemin plus bas.
c’est simplement un vidéo pour un effet a halloween ou encore a noël, il me mets un sapin.
sur le 2 eme exemple
je lui demande de regarder une chaine télé ici rts1 et il va chercher le lien de ma démodulateur satellite pour l’afficher.
cordialement -