Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
knowledge sharing on GPIO pins
@bibi there’s a lot of info webwise on the raspberry GPIO pins - I’d search on the web rather than here, but it’s true that you can use the two 5V pins - but be aware that the GPIO pins are at 3.3v - so you do need to step the voltage down on a lot of things that you would connect to. There are quite a few though that do work around 3.3v - like the PIR and sonic sensors for example.
Here is the page where I learnt all I needed to know about GPIO which could be a good start:
@frog thx a lot for your input and for the link! :) I agree there are lot of stuff available on the net that i have found but it’s not always clear for me as i don’t have any electronic background… and people here are very very helpful to explain and share info :) things like “can i use the 2x 5v pins at the same time?” or “how many things i can connect to the 1x 5v at same time?” those kind of question i didn’t find answers on the net… and i still don’t have lol so i thought i would ask here as it’s also a good playground
I understand what you say, but the gpio pins really aren’t heavily used in the MagicMirror - really so far for buttons and pir. I suggest this following forum as a better place to look as you’ll get many more people who are using the general features of the raspberry.
hi @frog, good reference forum in my favorite already :) thx :) well my questions came cuz of course i want to use sensor, buttons etc with my MM… but i guess you understod this :) i agree they are more chance to find general info on that forum.
Maybe u can look on this page, there’s a complete documentation on the RPi pinout.