Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
My Kitchencabinet Mirror
Today my WIFI-Powerplugs are arrive.I used Tasmota because it don’t send things “Home” and you need no cloud and the Plugs switch very fast.
The Script i wrote to Switch the when im not in the WiFi Powerplugs:
#!/bin/bash ping -c1 IP_OF_THE_MOBILE > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] then wget -O /dev/null http://IP_OF_THE_POWERLPLUG/cm?cmnd=Power1%20On exit 0 else wget -O /dev/null http://IP_OF_THE_POWERLPLUG/cm?cmnd=Power1%20Off fi
i installed a cronjob for every minute that execute the script, and it works very well.
Greetings Torsten
@foxy25 What do you switch on/off with the Gosund? The monitor?
Maybe you can get rid of the extra device. 2 Solutions in my opinion:
- Use relays and control it via the pi4 directly -
- Try to use vcgencmd display_power 0 and vcgencmd display_power 1, i think this will work (or maybe echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/bl_power)
There a various ways to turn off the RPI displays. See here: -
uhhh yes… sorry, how stupid from me…
I switch the display an and off with the WIFI-Powerplug.
There a many ways to fullfill somebodys needs. For me the Wifi-Plug and the small script was ein easy way to deploy that. The goal was to switch the Display complete powerless to save energie.
Not only switch the display to dark or switch of the HDMI-Port.
It works very good and im happy with that solution.Greetings Torsten
@foxy25 No, not stupid.
This was just a hint. Nothing more.
But thry a relay ;) then you can really make it powerless without the gosund.Like you told us. Your friend is a carpenter. He uses a Festool! Very nice. And also how he cut out the piece including the corners.
If you have some rest of the yellow wall color in you cellar… dig in the platering, put in the cable from the outlet, put cement on it, sand it and paint it. No one sees the extra wire. Just a hint, its your house! I would have do it in that way. It think its worth the time.
Hi OberfragGer
Yes i know, but now it is set and good ;-)
In a couple of month i renovate my apartment including the kitchen, entrance hall and living room,
so i want to hide the wire. Maybe i set a new powerwallplug behind or above the cabinet.But for me it is ok. Thank you for your hints.
Greetings Torsten