Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Changing MMM-Traffic into using TomTom API
I changed the API Return, there is an option to get it back in JSON.
What do you mean with write message to the console? & where/when should I execute “npm start >somefile.txt” -
write message to console
console,log(“some message”+variable+…) -
@rxldavid u probably use pm2, so
pm2 stop all
cd ~/MagicMirror
then u can
npm start >somefile.txt
ctrl-c to end
repeat til working
@rxldavid the json data u posted is not valid… something is missing after the trailing comma
I know, it was just an extinct, since it used private Data,
I updated it to the full return with random Data -
@rxldavid if u put it thru the formatter
{ "formatVersion": "0.0.12", "routes": [ { "summary": { "lengthInMeters": 1147, "travelTimeInSeconds": 140, "trafficDelayInSeconds": 0, "trafficLengthInMeters": 0, "departureTime": "2021-09-19T17:16:54+02:00", "arrivalTime": "2021-09-19T17:19:14+02:00" }, "legs": [ { "summary": { "lengthInMeters": 1147, "travelTimeInSeconds": 140, "trafficDelayInSeconds": 0, "trafficLengthInMeters": 0, "departureTime": "2021-09-19T17:16:54+02:00", "arrivalTime": "2021-09-19T17:19:14+02:00" }, "points": [ { "latitude": 52.5093, "longitude": 13.42937 }, { "latitude": 52.50904, "longitude": 13.42913 }, { "latitude": 52.50895, "longitude": 13.42904 }, { "latitude": 52.50868, "longitude": 13.4288 }, { "latitude": 52.5084, "longitude": 13.42857 }, { "latitude": 52.50816, "longitude": 13.42839 }, { "latitude": 52.50791, "longitude": 13.42825 }, { "latitude": 52.50757, "longitude": 13.42772 }, { "latitude": 52.50752, "longitude": 13.42785 }, { "latitude": 52.50742, "longitude": 13.42809 }, { "latitude": 52.50735, "longitude": 13.42824 }, { "latitude": 52.5073, "longitude": 13.42837 }, { "latitude": 52.50696, "longitude": 13.4291 }, { "latitude": 52.50673, "longitude": 13.42961 }, { "latitude": 52.50619, "longitude": 13.43092 }, { "latitude": 52.50608, "longitude": 13.43116 }, { "latitude": 52.50574, "longitude": 13.43195 }, { "latitude": 52.50564, "longitude": 13.43218 }, { "latitude": 52.50528, "longitude": 13.43299 }, { "latitude": 52.50513, "longitude": 13.43336 }, { "latitude": 52.505, "longitude": 13.43366 }, { "latitude": 52.50464, "longitude": 13.43451 }, { "latitude": 52.50451, "longitude": 13.43482 }, { "latitude": 52.50444, "longitude": 13.43499 }, { "latitude": 52.50418, "longitude": 13.43564 }, { "latitude": 52.50364, "longitude": 13.4369 }, { "latitude": 52.50343, "longitude": 13.43738 }, { "latitude": 52.5033, "longitude": 13.43767 }, { "latitude": 52.50275, "longitude": 13.43873 } ] } ], "sections": [ { "startPointIndex": 0, "endPointIndex": 28, "sectionType": "TRAVEL_MODE", "travelMode": "car" } ] } ] }
this is also the view Tomtom provided me.
but I don’t get what I need to change.
right now I got the following error in the console:
[19.09.2021 17:22.10.688] [ERROR] Failed to fetch git data for MMM-Traffic: Erro r: block timeout reached -
@rxldavid that is from the updateNotifcation module which has a bug … fixed in next release
after u got the data, then what did u do?
Sorry, Tomtom provides a website which returns the data.
So it wasn’t my MagicMirror returning it -
@rxldavid javascript provides a built in library call JSON
which provides 2 useful functions
parse (text) = converts to javascript object
stringify(object,routine(most if the time u would use null ),indentation ) = returns string of textso then u could
to see it on the console (or somefile.txt if u redirect to a file)