Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Domoticz-ext: interact with Domoticz
@shaitan said in MMM-Domoticz-ext: interact with Domoticz:
I just added its IP to the whitelist
I just want to add for this and other folks…
when integrating multiple systems , 1st thing to do is disable all ip filtering/firewalls
in MagicMirror this isaddress:"", // let any outside system connect , "localhost" means ONLY apps INSIDE this same machine can connect ipWhitelist:[], // no restrictions on specific systems connecting.
once working, then u can add back whatever u might need… ,
and if it impacts the integration, then u will know as it is the last change…
Hello and thank you for this great module,
The installation and the settings went well but I can’t see my action buttons on my touch mirror.
The overview change buttons work well!
I integrated it into a page of MMM-Caroussel and MMM-GoogleAssistant operates my devices well but I cannot control the lights and others with touch buttons!
I hope to be clear and in the right place.If you have any ideas…
Fab -
Could you post your config of the module please? And are buttons not displayed at all or aren’t they working when you click them?
I don’t know where the buttons should be? Are these the icons on my dashboard?
Here is my config and thank you.{ module: 'MMM-Domoticz-ext' , header: "DOMOTICZ" , position: "middle_center" , config: { apiBase: "" , apiPort: "xxxx" , updateInterval: 10 , animationSpeed: 0 , displayType: "actions" , alwaysShowDashboard: false , alwaysShowActions: true , showButtons: true , showTotals: true , showIcons: true , dashboardRooms: [ "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13" ], buttonAllLabel: "Tous" , buttonTypeLabel: "Par Types d'appareils" , buttonRoomLabel: "Par Pièces" , buttonBothLabel: "Par Types/Pièces" , buttonFloorLabel: "Par Types/Niveaux" , buttonDashboardLabel: "Tableau de Bord" , horizontal: true , columnCount: 15 , dashboardColumnCount: 15 , maxTitleLenght: 25 , switchLabel: "Lumières" , dimmerLabel: "Interrupteurs" , temperatureLabel: "Température Intérieure" , humidityLabel: "Humidité" , usageLabel: "Electricité Maison" , rooms: [ { idx: "7" , name: "Cellier" }, { idx: "6" , name: "Buanderie" }, { idx: "1" , name: "Salon" }, { idx: "2" , name: "Salle à Manger" }, { idx: "3" , name: "Cuisine" }, { idx: "8" , name: "Ch.Parents" }, { idx: "9" , name: "Ch.Adèle" }, { idx: "10" , name: "Ch.Louis" }, { idx: "4" , name: "Bureau" }, { idx: "11" , name: "Salle de Bain" }, { idx: "12" , name: "Salle d'Eau" }, { idx: "13" , name: "Couloir-Entrée" }, { idx: "5" , name: "Terrasse" }, ], floors: [ { name: "Rez de Chaussée" , rooms: [ "1" , "2" , "3" , "6" , "7" , "8" , "11" , "13" ] }, { name: "Etage" , rooms: [ "4" , "9" , "10" , "12" ] }, { name: "Extérieurs" , rooms: [ "5" ] }, ], utilities: { utilityLabel: "Electricité Générale Maison" , showLabel: true , devices: [ { idx: "119" , deviceHeader: "Consommation Electrique" , useHeaderSymbol: false , headerSymbol: "plug" , counterTodayLabel: "Aujourd'hui" , counterTodayAppendText: "Kwh" , gaugeMinValue: -3000 , gaugeMaxValue: 3000 , gaugeAppendText: "Watts" , gaugeWidth: 190 , lineWidth: 20 , markerWidth: 20 , markerColor: "#F4D03F" }, { idx: "121" , deviceHeader: "Consommation Electrique Nette" , useHeaderSymbol: false , headerSymbol: "plug" , counterTodayLabel: "Aujourd'hui" , counterTodayAppendText: "Kwh" , gaugeMinValue: -3000 , gaugeMaxValue: 3000 , gaugeAppendText: "Watts" , gaugeWidth: 190 , lineWidth: 20 , markerWidth: 20 , markerColor: "#F4D03F" } , { idx: "117" , deviceHeader: "Production Solaire" , useHeaderSymbol: false , headerSymbol: "sun" , counterTodayLabel: "Aujourd'hui" , counterTodayAppendText: "Kwh" , gaugeMinValue: 0 , gaugeMaxValue: 3000 , gaugeAppendText: "Watts" , gaugeWidth: 190 , lineWidth: 20 , markerWidth: 20 , markerColor: "#70db70" }, { idx: "43" , deviceHeader: "Production Eau Chaude" , useHeaderSymbol: false , headerSymbol: "faucet" , counterTodayLabel: "Aujourd'hui" , counterTodayAppendText: "Kwh" , gaugeMinValue: 0 , gaugeMaxValue: 2800 , gaugeAppendText: "Watts" , gaugeWidth: 190 , lineWidth: 20 , markerWidth: 20 , markerColor: "#1E90FF" }, { idx: "46" , deviceHeader: "Pompe à Chaleur" , useHeaderSymbol: false , headerSymbol: "hot-tub" , counterTodayLabel: "Aujourd'hui" , counterTodayAppendText: "Kwh" , gaugeMinValue: 0 , gaugeMaxValue: 2000 , gaugeAppendText: "Watts" , gaugeWidth: 190 , lineWidth: 20 , markerWidth: 20 , markerColor: "#f4763f" } , ], }, custonGauges: { headerLabel: "Autres" , showLabel: true , devices: [ { idx: "25" , deviceHeader: "Voltage" , useHeaderSymbol: true , headerSymbol: "bolt" , gaugeAppendText: "volts" , gaugeMinValue: 210 , gaugeMaxValue: 260 , gaugeWidth: 150 , lineWidth: 16 , markerWidth: 16 , markerColor: "#f4763f" }, ], }, weather: { devices: [ "140" ], weatherLabel: "Températures", gaugewidth: 60, gaugeAppendText: "°C", }, Actions: [ { label: "Lumiere Exter Cuisine Shelly", url: "¶m=switchlight&idx=66&switchcmd=On" } , { label: "Lumiere Exter Cuisine Shelly", url: "¶m=switchlight&idx=66&switchcmd=Off" } , { label: "Lumiere Exter Entree Shelly", url: "¶m=switchlight&idx=62&switchcmd=On" } , { label: "Lumiere Exter Entree Shelly", url: "¶m=switchlight&idx=62&switchcmd=Off" } , { label: "Prise Commandée 1", url: "¶m=switchlight&idx=69&switchcmd=Toggle" } , ], }, },
I’m not sure if this is the problem, but there are two typos in the config: custonGauges should be customGauges en Actions should be actions (lower case a).
moron that I am, a fresh expert’s eyes and the problem is solved.
Big thanksFab
Great! Enjoy the module!
I just have to order all that! ;-) -
Sorry to come back,
I have 2 buttons for each “action / label” I created, is this normal?Fab
No, that’s not normal. In the config I see 5 buttons. Am I correct that the module displays 10?