A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Magic Mirror won't load.
@sdetweil I uninstalled MMM-PIR and reinstall. I have updated npm. I still get that same error message when I have MMM-PIR in my config.js file.
@sdetweil I get the message:
audited 6 packages in 1.756s found 0 vulnerabilities
@aunrea I think u need to do an electron-rebuild in that folder.
I am not near my machine, but electron-rebuild was installed as part of MagicMirror.
@sdetweil I got the following error when I followed those instructions:
pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR $ npm install electron-rebuild + electron-rebuild@1.8.6 updated 1 package and audited 245 packages in 20.05s found 0 vulnerabilities pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR $ node_modules/.bin/electron-rebuild ✖ Rebuild Failed An unhandled error occurred inside electron-rebuild Could not locate node-gyp Error: Could not locate node-gyp at Rebuilder.<anonymous> (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR/node_modules/electron-rebuild/lib/src/rebuild.js:172:23) at Generator.next (<anonymous>) at fulfilled (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR/node_modules/electron-rebuild/lib/src/rebuild.js:4:58)
@aunrea see the instructions w MMM-AssistantMk2.
Great step by step
@sdetweil Thank you for the help. I got it to work.
@aunrea awesome!! thanks for the feedback… can u mark your issue resolved?