Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Updating to V2.10: package-lock.json
When I try to update to version 2.10 I get the following massage:
Aktualisiere 5000147e…b595cdd
error: Ihre lokalen Änderungen in den folgenden Dateien würden durch den Merge überschrieben werden: package-lock.json
Bitte comitten oder stashen Sie Ihre Änderungen, bevor Sie mergen.
AbbruchI have no experience in coding and don’t know what to do. Google search brought me to websites for coding experts. Help welcome!
@beech-13465 you can either delete the package-lock.json file or execute the following
git reset --hard git pull
The package-lock.json locks the current state of npm modules installed.
However, as far as I know it’s not problematic to delete it. It is created again with a newnpm install
git reset --hard
resets ALL of your local changes to the MM repository to the latest state of the origin repository -
@lavolp3 if you used the script, it would tell u they don’t need to be saved
@lavolp3 It worked. Thanks a lot!
I used the update-instuctions:git pull && npm install
Looks like I have to do the reset every time before I update?!
@sdetweil OK, thanks! I realized, the new documentation site online now is very helpful.