Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
read csv-data and put it in an array
i have a calendar OVER the birthdaylist, so i DON#T need the month in the first cell. the FIRST cell has a calendar sheet as background-image, THOUGH i DON’T need the leading null of the day of birth. should be:
5 Sam 69
Mary 12
8 Frank 81
15 Sue 81
did you seen the images i did send ?
and, of course, people with the same day of birth without day of birth -
@Perlchamp no images email or text
(cannot do fixed font here)date Name age 12 Sam 69 2 Frank 81 Sue 81 5 mary 65 10 eee EEEEE 51 16 fff FFFFF 8 ggg GGGGG 32 27 hhh HHHHH 18
getDom: function() { var wrapper = this.createEl("div",null,null,null); if(Object.keys(this.active_birthdays).length>0){ // create your table here var table = this.createEl("table", "birthday-table", null, wrapper ); // table header here, array of column names var table_header=this.createTableHeader(table,null, ["date","Name","age"]) // create TBODY section with day names var tBody = this.createEl("tBody", "birthday-tbody", null, table ); var birthdays_seen= {} for(var birthday of Object.keys(this.active_birthdays)){ for(var person of this.active_birthdays[birthday]){ var bodyTR = this.createEl("tr", null,null, tBody); var bd ="" if(birthdays_seen[birthday] == undefined){ bd =(birthday.startsWith("0")? birthday.substring(1): birthday).split('.')[0] birthdays_seen[birthday] = true } var bodyTDimage = this.createEl("td",null, null, bodyTR , bd ); var bodyTD = this.createEl("td", null, null, bodyTR ,; var ageTD = this.createEl("td",null, null, bodyTR ,person.age ); } } } // create your table footer here // pass the created content back to MM to add to DOM. return wrapper; }
my code:
createEl : function (type, id, className, parent, value) { var el= document.createElement(type); if(id) = id; if(className) el.className = className; if(parent) parent.appendChild(el); if(value) el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(value)); return el; }, createTableHeader: function(parent, className, columnlabels) { var header = document.createElement("tr"); for(columnName of columnlabels) { this.createEl("th", null, className, header, columnName); } parent.appendChild(header); return header; }, getDom: function() { var wrapper = this.createEl("div",null,null,null); Log.log(JSON.stringify(this.active_birthdays)) if ((moment() > this.midnight) || (!this.loaded)) { var month = moment().month(); var year = moment().year(); var monthName = moment().format("MMMM"); var monthLength = moment().daysInMonth(); if(Object.keys(this.active_birthdays).length>0) { // create table var table = this.createEl("table", "birthday-table", "TABLE" , wrapper) // create tableheader // create TBODY section with day names var tBody = this.createEl('tBody', "birthday-tbody", "TBODY" , table); for(var birthday of Object.keys(this.active_birthdays)) { for(var person of this.active_birthdays[birthday]) { var bodyTR = this.createEl('tr', "birthday-tr-body", "tr-body" , tBody); if (birthday.charAt(0) === "0") { birthday = birthday.replace("0",""); birthday = birthday.substring(0,1); } var bodyTDimage = this.createEl('td', "birthday-td-image", "TD-IMAGE" , bodyTR, birthday.substring(0,2)); var nameTD = this.createEl('td', "birthday-td-body", "TD-BODY" , bodyTR,; var ageTD = this.createEl("td", "birthday-td-age", "TD-AGE", bodyTR ,person.age ); } } } // Create TFOOT section -- currently used for debugging only return wrapper; } this.loaded = true; },
@Perlchamp the short birthday
bd =(birthday.startsWith(“0”)? birthday.substring(1): birthday).split(‘.’)[0]
if the birthday starts with ‘0’ then get the rest skipping the 0
01.05 -> 1.05
then split the result on ‘.’
yields array of [ 1, 05]
and take the first element in the array [0] = 1
if it doesn’t start with 0,use the whole string, split and take the 1st element of array
10.05 = [10,05] = 10 -
sorry, i’m still sorting my code …uff
back again. WITHOUT a class reference (third element = null) i see the days.
WITH class-reference (“TD-IMAGE”) i see NO days.
the rest is working very good, thank you for that :-) -
@Perlchamp what does TD-IMAGE class def look like?
.birthdaylist .TD-IMAGE { width: 27px; font-size: 20px; color: #000000; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top left; background-image: url("/modules/birthdaylist/images/kalenderblatt.png"); font-weight: 400; line-height: 26px; vertical-align: top; text-align: center; margin: 0px; padding: 10px 0px 0px 0px; }
@Perlchamp said in read csv-data and put it in an array:
there is no birthdaylist class being used (unless u changed the modulename again)
IT WORKS !!, Sam, it WORKS !
had a wrong image-name. that is UNPARDONABLE !!
now, this background-image will shown, if two people tzhe same day… problems, problems, problems …
SOLUTION: these people (same day) should be in ONE cell, separated by < /br > therefor i don’t need a third cell ;-)@Perlchamp no images email or text => i would like sending emails (with attached images, too)