Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-GoogleTasks makes MMM-CalendarExt disappear when applied to config file
I am completely new to all of this so I am kinda just learning as I go along. I’ve never coded before even though I have a more than average knowledge about computers. So right now I am having an issue that I can’t seem to find a resolve for yet. Every time I add google tasks to config it completely takes off my calendar…
@RyanRoyster does it push it off screen?
edit the css/main.css and comment out
html { /*cursor: none; */ /*overflow: hidden;*/ background: #000; }
then u can scroll the page… see if it is off page
overflow:hidden means any content outside the borders is never shown -
I will check it out when I get home. That was gonna be another question I was going to ask, whether I would be able to add pages or not… will update with the outcome…
Not sure what it is you’re asking me to change, the overflow is already as “hidden”… I did some research and tried “scroll” but that doesn’t seem to work either. Not sure how I am suppose to scroll… but there doesn’t seem to be anything that allows me to.
@RyanRoyster I think it is on another page, but I can’t change pages…
@RyanRoyster - Since the magic mirror is essentially a web page, you can point your computer/tablet at the magic mirror’s network address. You will be able to bring up the magic mirror interface in your web browser and you can then check for a scroll bar.
just for the sake of simplicity, how do i find the address of the magicmirror itself?
@bhepler >you can point your computer/tablet at the magic mirror’s network address
IF the MM config allows remote access
address:"", ipWhitelist:[],
unless u configured exact settings
means ONLY apps INSIDE the mirror can access the mirror web address
Sorry man I’m still not getting it. I keep changing ip’s and checking different settings and I cant seem to connect to an IP address to open the MM
I even changed it to any ip… can you give me a real sample of what its suppose to look like?