Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
CalendarEXT2 and Calendar (default)
@ankonaskiff17 custom.css will be empty
Problem with changing main.css. like the other files, is update will be blocked because a file mm owns was changed.
I hate editing over vnc. -
@sdetweil That’s kind of funny, you hate VNC, I hate SSH. That’s what makes the world go round.
I’m not editing main.css really. At least not yet.In the case of main.css I need to better understand how it works. If you remember, a few days ago I talked about needing to globally shrink some things, while globally enlarge other items. That was in reference to plugging in Pi to a bigger screen TV. They are about giving away 75" TV’s at Best Buy electronics stores for under $1000.00 so if you use a spare HDMI port on one of those, the modules are huge because the region is huge.
The clock default module would be 2 ft across. In that scenario, one would want to shrink things in the top_left and top_right globally while increasing the center regions for like an iFrame showing weather radar or a live YouTube stream in the middle portion. That also has the side benefit of allowing more modules on the screen the bigger the screen is.
All I’ve changed css that is internal to some of the modules. For example on the default calendar, there is a long list of defaults in the calendar.js file. Those default configuration settings are all basically css-like properties to me. But the calendar config file doesn’t contain that whole list of defaults when you copy from the module web page.
Since I am an end user, I just change the defaults in thecalendar.js file rather than copy it all over to the config.js file,
It gets even more complicated when the module is using an external program such as chartjs or momentjs as a wrapper I think is the term used.
It may not seem apparent but I do try and dig for the answer prior to posting the question.
@ankonaskiff17 I don’t edit in the ssh window. I use a file system connection over ssh to edit the file with the local system editor. Best of both worlds.
@ankonaskiff17 and if u edit the module source files, you get what u deserve when updates come…
@ankonaskiff17 and I can’t hate either SSH or VNC. They both have their uses. I use a vertical mirror, so SSH is far more useful to me than VNC, but they both are useful.
I’m the kind of person that sets up SAMBA and shares the entire Pi drive over to Windows so I can edit directly, then use MMM-Remote-Control to restart my mirror when needed. 🤣
Do updates load to my machine without me knowing? If they do, you’re right, that will be a problem.
If they are announced and I choose then I just copy the whole existing MM complex to sd card.
That way if update is bad I can revert. I imagine most end users are like me. They build a display, configure with a little tweaking and then rarely update,
I have two Pi’s running ADSB receivers and the underlying Raspian OS are several years since I’ve done apt update on either SSH’ed in to one just now. 2017 -
@ankonaskiff17 mm gets an update once every 3 months. Next jan 1.
I’ve spent most of the last quarter fixing the calendar module. Things u might want to update
I’m going to move everything over to config.js but it would be nice if the sample config file that people copy paste contained all the configurable items.
If there is a big list in the module code like this sample, can I just copy it in one big block, paste appropriately in config.js, change default to config and bracket appropriately and plug in my values and they’ll override the defaults lines in xyz.js even if they have values plugged in already.
So that this sample config directly below becomes more like the second block?modules: [ { "module": "MMM-WeatherChart", "position": "top_right", **"config":** { "apiKey": "xxxx", "dataNum": 12, "dataType": "hourly", "height": "500px", "width": "800px", "lat": 35.571337, "lon": 139.633989, "units": "metric", } },
defaults: { updateInterval: 10 * 60 * 1000, retryDelay: 5000, apiBase: "", apiVersion: "2.5", apiEndpoint: "onecall", apiKey: "", lat: "", lon: "", units: "standard", lang: "en", chartjsVersion: "2.9.3", chartjsDatalablesVersion: "0.7.0", height: "300px", width: "500px", fontSize: 16, dataNum: 24, timeOffsetHours: 0, title: "Weather Forecast", iconURLBase: "", dataType: "hourly", nightBorderDash: [5, 1], showIcon: false, showRain: false, color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)', backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', fillColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)', dailyLabel: 'date', hourFormat: "24h" },
@ankonaskiff17 In most cases the default values are set so that you do not need to change more than a few values to adjust to your needs. It makes no sense copying the entire config just to set the values to the default ones. That said, yes, you can copy the default block and change it to “config”, just remember to set the other module options appropriately.
@sdetweil has put significant effort into the calendar module and done a great job of fixing all the quirks so expect the default calendar module to be really great in the next MM version! Just be sure to move all your config stuff to config.js so you can upgrade without issues.