Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-covid19 based on APIs
A new release is out, version v0.3.0!
Many new updates to make the code more reliable and stable.
Added the option to schedule API call with a cron-like approach (
At the bottom are added more information about the timeframe the data refers to, the time of the next data refresh time (next API request), and the installed version vs. the latest available version. -
Good news! I have updated the module to swap the data provider to a new one (that seems to be more reliable and provides the most recent available data and, some additional ones too!)
The changes are still on a development branch, so if you are interested in trying them out you can do the following (assuming you are in your Magic Mirror module folder for MMM-covid19):
git fetch -p git checkout feat/new-api-corona-lmao-ninja git pull -r npm install
the configuration does not require any update, but a few settings are now obsolete and not used, this is how the new configuration settings could be looking like:
countryCodes: ["DE", "IT", "US", "NZ", "UK", "FR", "IN", "ES", "BG", "GR"], useScheduler: true, schedulerConfig: '0 0 */1 * * */1', // update every hour, every day updateInterval: 0.5 * 60 * 1000, // update every 30 seconds, only used if useScheduler: false
and here is the GitHub repo: -
There is a further new update available here (still under development) have added two new config properties:
- please refer to the for the details ;)