Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
How to send a notification
@alyx when u turn on or off a device, alexa does tada sound… to says it processed your request
@sdetweil ah my one says ‘ok’ but id assume its the same
@alyx I added your config to my MM and added debugging… and it works as expected
samplemodule reports Selfie_shoot was received
SampleModule received a module notification: SELFIE_SHOOT from sender: MMM-AlexaControl
and because u have is as onOff:false
u get a notification every time (on or off)I did this using the alexa app…
@sdetweil oh… where do you think I went wrong so?
@alyx i don’t know… i didn’t change anything in your config…
if you use the alexa app to turn the plug on or off, do you see the notifications?
@sdetweil ok I re added the selfie device on the alexa app and it found it fine but its now coming up as unresponsive
@alyx so, discovery records the IP address of the ‘device’ and the port.
so, if your pi changes ip address during boot, then it won’t work again …
all my pi type devices have fixed addresses to avoid this problem…
@sdetweil ah ok I’ll set a static! TBH I did have that concern but i was wrong to assume it was dynamic with the IP’s
I’ll come back if this works or not , I have a call rn
@alyx yeh the Alexa design is devices don’t move around, and one would only do discovery occasionally
then u have to delete the devices and rediscover
@sdetweil ok so after fighting with my interfaces file for a few days I have a static IP
Only issue is that I can discover devices on the Alexa app but they arent usable and just come up an unresponsive…
It seems the static IP has messed with that feature ? Any advise on this please?