Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Black Screen after installing fonts-noto-color-emoji
I have been getting the following error mm-error.log:
[12.08.2022 22:50.16.819] [WARN] [33mYou're using a full whitelist configuration to allow for all IPs[39m [1707:0812/] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization [1749:0812/] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization [1768:0812/] dri3 extension not supported. /home/pi/MagicMirror/node_modules/electron/dist/electron exited with signal SIGINT [12.08.2022 23:24.59.722] [WARN] [33mYou're using a full whitelist configuration to allow for all IPs[39m [1686:0812/] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization [1735:0812/] dri3 extension not supported. [12.08.2022 23:46.19.653] [WARN] [33mYou're using a full whitelist configuration to allow for all IPs[39m [1623:0812/] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization [1766:0812/] dri3 extension not supported.
@aunrea are you running the 64 bit raspi os?
this is a configuration problem when using the Vulcan video driver.
@sdetweil I am running the 32 bit raspi os. I used the official raspberry pi imager to create it.
I think it’s a GPU issue. Could it have been a bad install of the os? Should I reinstall?
@aunrea I do not know
Ok I am going to try a new install on my raspberry pi 4, instead of the 3B I have been using.
@aunrea any luck resolving this issue?
I have a fresh install of MM on an RPI4 (Rasbian OS 32bit) and get the same problem when installing MMM-Face-Reco-DNN. Only errors I have in the logs are the same GPU related ones.And the strange thing is that I have the exact same setup on a different SD card done 6 weeks ago. And that works perfectly. It reporst my MM is outdated, but I don’t dare updating it now.
@arosenhave depends on which video driver is enabled in /boot/config.txt
edit the script which starts MM
and addexport ELECTRON_DISABLE_GPU=1
before the
npm start
line -
@arosenhave if u want to upgrade, use my script
see backup
@sdetweil This made no difference, I’m afraid :(
The strange thing is that for a split second I can see the other modules loading and displaying and then it all goes black. Like the MMM-Face-Reco-DNN somehow loads in front of everything. If I remove this module from config.js everything displays fine. I have checked the config.js for syntax errors and it reports nothing.