Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Power arduino from rasberry
Hello everyone. I hope I did’t open this topic in the wrong place.If so pls correct me. I would like to ask if Rassberry pi 3b+ can power an arduino uno R3. On the pi I have istalled magic mirror and GA and I use some gpios of the pi for the pi’s fan and an RGB led strip for GA status. The arduino is used only for lighting another led strip with various effects. Both led strips is connected to external power supplies so no further power consuption on both boards. Also if it is possible which way is better? Through the Vin, the 5V pin or usb port? I am asking this only to avoid using one more power supply since there are already 3. One for the pi, and two for the led strips. Thank you in advance.
@Anthony this seems to say on newer boards 800ma (3.3v) is max
this heading
How much current can the 3.3V pin on the expansion header supply -
@sdetweil I am confuse a little bit. From what I read I think usb port is better since it powers itself from the pi’s supply and not from the board. Although I have only one availiable on my pi because all others are used for mouse, keyboard and mic I think I will give a try and see how it goes. Thank you very much for your reply.
From a quick search I have done I decided that it is better to connect arduino and led strip on the same power supply. My led strip is a 3m ws2812b neopixel with 30pixels/meter which consume 60mA/pixel in full brightness so (60*90)/1000=5.4A. The power supply I am using is 5V - 6A so I think it anough for both since arduino’s only job is to send data to led strip. Please If someone has better knowledge of electricity correct me. Thank you.