Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Netatmo weather data in weather module
There is a Netatmo module MMM-Netatmo. It is really nice, I am using it for 3 years now without any problem. It displays all sensors from my Netatmo waether station, indoor, outdoor, rain, anemometer…
Best regardsThierry
@Thierry7100 said in Netatmo weather data in weather module:
There is a Netatmo module MMM-Netatmo. It is really nice, I am using it for 3 years now without any problem. It displays all sensors from my Netatmo waether station, indoor, outdoor, rain, anemometer…
Best regardsThierry
@Thierry7100 , @Laz : Thanks, but for sure I know this module. This was not my question. The main fact is, that the weather module shows another temperature than the netatmo module and that’s a bit annoying and confusing. I would rather trust my “physical” module, than a “theoretical” value from some weather-API.
So no one combined netatmo-temperature measurement with the weather module, so far? I know it from Mirr.OS, where you can decide from which source the temperature is shown (whether API or netatmo).
Just disable the MM default weather module and use Netatmo
I am using both and the temperatures are quite close, difference is most of time below 0.3 °C. I don’t know which value is the more relevant one.
And in some cases (sun directly over the Netatmo sensor) the difference is greater but the weather API seems the reliable one in this case.