Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Squashed Display
Hi all.
Curious to know if the dis[play setting has changed with the new update to latest version 2.0.24? I have noticed that my modules seem squashed up and some even overflow into the ether. As you can see from the picture below text is flowing over the display boundary which has gone smaller than what it was in the previous version. All the black space marked with green used to be taken up by the Mirror Display. The same accounts for the left side of the screen.
Any idea what is happening or how I can fix this?
@mumblebaj what do u mean by mirror display
stop MagicMirror
then in terminal window dorm -rf ~/.config/Electron
note the dot in front of config
then restart MagicMirror
@sdetweil Thanks Sam. I found the problem. It is related to a module I am running. Been debugging and when I disabled that module the display takes up the whole screen as it should.