Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Calendar not seem to load .ics
@Dennis-010 I hear you.
none of the code that needs to be debugged is ours(mm) it’s all lower layers.
let me see if there is a hacky way to help you out.
I’'l be happy to test and try out things or methods to fix this issue.
Thanks in advance -
ok, lets try this
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/default/calendar cp calendarfetcher.js savefetcher.js nano calendarfetcher.js
then insert this line
const Log = require("logger"); const fetchit = require('node-fetch'); //<----- add this line const NodeHelper = require("node_helper");
then add this line
const nodeVersion = Number(process.version.match(/^v(\d+\.\d+)/)[1]); let fetcher = null //<------ add this line let httpsAgent = null;
then later change this
fetch(url, { headers: headers, agent: httpsAgent })
to this
if (fetcher === null) { fetcher = fetchit(url, { headers: headers, agent: httpsAgent }); } fetcher
then save, (ctrl-o)
and exit nano (ctrl-x)then
cd ~/MagicMirror npm install node-fetch@2
then npm start
calendar should come up
mine works… -
This seem to work like a charm, thank you for fixing this.Now…when I want to add 2 more url’s I get a new error:
For each of the new url. Both from the same domain.
is it possible to have a hacky line for that as well?[ERROR] Calendar Error. Could not fetch calendar: https://www.xxxxxxxx/ical/**url**/Calendar.ics RangeError: Invalid time value
[23.10.2023 22:56.15.687] [LOG] Create new calendarfetcher for url: https://**url**/ical/**url**/Calendar.ics - Interval: 3600000 [23.10.2023 22:56.15.728] [LOG] Create new calendarfetcher for url: https://**url**/ical/**url**/Calendar.ics - Interval: 3600000 [23.10.2023 22:56.15.733] [LOG] Create new calendarfetcher for url: https://**url**/ical/**url**/Calendar.ics - Interval: 3600000
@Dennis-010 this sounds like an ics data format problem
change this line in config.js
logLevel: ["INFO", "LOG", "WARN", "ERROR"],
logLevel: ["INFO", "LOG", "WARN", "ERROR","DEBUG"],
then start MM like this
pm2 stop all cd ~/MagicMirror npm start > somefile.txt 2>&1
wait 15 seconds
then in the same window as where you did npm start do
and then examine the somefile.txt to see where that error is…i’d like to see the ics file entry for that event
npm start -
Is this what you are looking for?
[23.10.2023 23:18.36.721] [ERROR] Calendar Error. Could not fetch calendar: https://**url**/ical/**url**/Calendar.ics RangeError: Invalid time value at Date.toISOString (<anonymous>) at /home/dennis/MagicMirror/modules/default/calendar/calendarfetcherutils.js:312:28 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at Object.filterEvents (/home/dennis/MagicMirror/modules/default/calendar/calendarfetcherutils.js:140:24) at /home/dennis/MagicMirror/modules/default/calendar/calendarfetcher.js:72:36 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) [23.10.2023 23:18.38.049] [DEBUG] parsed data={"ecaf4d70-3f05-470f-a8f3-2566b4f2f1b5":{"type":"VTIMEZONE","params":[],"tzid":"Europe/Amsterdam","487c4058-cf12-4ad3-9d19-abf7c43101a2":{> [23.10.2023 23:18.38.053] [DEBUG] There are 327 calendar entries. [23.10.2023 23:18.38.055] [DEBUG] Processing entry... [23.10.2023 23:18.38.058] [DEBUG] Processing entry... [23.10.2023 23:18.38.060] [DEBUG] Event:
[23.10.2023 23:18.38.153] [ERROR] Calendar Error. Could not fetch calendar: https://**url**/ical/**url**/Calendar.ics RangeError: Invalid time value at Date.toISOString (<anonymous>) at /home/dennis/MagicMirror/modules/default/calendar/calendarfetcherutils.js:312:28 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at Object.filterEvents (/home/dennis/MagicMirror/modules/default/calendar/calendarfetcherutils.js:140:24) at /home/dennis/MagicMirror/modules/default/calendar/calendarfetcher.js:72:36 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) [23.10.2023 23:18.39.055] [DEBUG] parsed data={"634747":{"type":"VEVENT","params":[],"dtstamp":"2018-03-19T19:38:00.000Z","uid":"634747","description":"Datum: 04/24/2018\nTijd: 19:30\n> [23.10.2023 23:18.39.060] [DEBUG] There are 434 calendar entries. [23.10.2023 23:18.39.061] [DEBUG] Processing entry... [23.10.2023 23:18.39.061] [DEBUG] Event: {"type":"VEVENT","params":[],"dtstamp":"2018-03-19T19:38:00.000Z","uid":"634747","description":"Datum: 04/24/2018\nTijd: 19:30\n\nTot dan!\n\nP.S.: Gebruik je GMAIL? Controleer of de t> [23.10.2023 23:18.39.062] [DEBUG] start: Tue Apr 24 2018 19:30:00 GMT+0200 (Midden-Europese zomertijd)
@Dennis-010 thx… I meant download the ics file and find that entry
like this from my calendar
BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160729T233000Z DTEND:20160730T010000Z DTSTAMP:20231023T212812Z CREATED:20160912T121808Z LAST-MODIFIED:20160912T121808Z LOCATION:georgetown SEQUENCE:0 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Dinner at Monument Cafe TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT
I don’t think I understand what you’re asking.
What event you want me to find? -
@Dennis-010 the one that throws the error in the somefile.txt, then look it up in the ICS file
Think I found it, will check back tomorrow.BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210413T203456Z UID:E689AEB8C02C4E2CADD8C7D3D303CEAD0 DTSTART;TZID="Amsterdam, Belgrade, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Stockholm":20210415T190000 DTEND;TZID="Amsterdam, Belgrade, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Stockholm":20210415T210000 CLASS:PUBLIC LOCATION:albert heijn SUMMARY:xxx xxxx SEQUENCE:10 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20210418T170000Z EXDATE;TZID="Amsterdam, Belgrade, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Stockholm":20210417T190000 EXDATE;TZID="Amsterdam, Belgrade, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Stockholm":20210416T190000 EXDATE;TZID="Amsterdam, Belgrade, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Stockholm":20210415T190000 BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:DISPLAY TRIGGER;RELATED=START:-PT15M END:VALARM END:VEVENT
{"type":"VEVENT","params":[],"uid":"E689AEB8C02C4E2CADD8C7D3D303CEAD0","start":"2021-04-15T17:00:00.000Z","datetype":"date-time","end":"2021-04-15T19:00:00.000Z","a94d8d2a-3> [24.10.2023 00:16.22.001] [DEBUG] start: Thu Apr 15 2021 19:00:00 GMT+0200 (Midden-Europese zomertijd) [24.10.2023 00:16.22.001] [DEBUG] end:: Thu Apr 15 2021 21:00:00 GMT+0200 (Midden-Europese zomertijd) [24.10.2023 00:16.22.002] [DEBUG] duration: 7200000 [24.10.2023 00:16.22.002] [DEBUG] title: xxx xxxx [24.10.2023 00:16.22.002] [DEBUG] Search for recurring events between: Tue Oct 24 2023 00:16:22 GMT+0200 (Midden-Europese zomertijd) and Tue Oct 22 2024 23:59:59 GMT+0200 (M> [24.10.2023 00:16.22.051] [DEBUG] Title: xxx xxxx, with dates: [null,null,null,null] [24.10.2023 00:16.22.051] [DEBUG] event.recurrences: [object Object] [24.10.2023 00:16.22.055] [ERROR] Calendar Error. Could not fetch calendar: https://url/ical/url/Calendar.ics RangeError: Invalid time value at Date.toISOString (<anonymous>) at /home/dennis/MagicMirror/modules/default/calendar/calendarfetcherutils.js:312:28 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at Object.filterEvents (/home/dennis/MagicMirror/modules/default/calendar/calendarfetcherutils.js:140:24) at /home/dennis/MagicMirror/modules/default/calendar/calendarfetcher.js:72:36 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)