Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Total n00b and can't get this thing to work. Please help!
Very weird indeed. Did you install
orJessie Lite
If I run the version commands, I get this on my pi:npm -v: 3.10.8 node -v: 6.9.1 nodejs -v: 6.9.1
Please try this:
sudo apt-get remove nodered -y sudo apt-get remove nodejs nodejs-legacy -y sudo apt-get remove npm -y sudo curl -sL | sudo bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs node -v npm -v
and then try to run the
npm install && npm start
again in your MagicMirror folder -
Ok, I ran all of that. Once I ran the node -v and npm -v commands I was met with:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ node -v v0.8.16 pi@raspberrypi:~ $ npm -v 1.1.69
So I’m assuming I’m still on super old versions. Any idea why that’s happening? Because if I run npm install && npm start, I’m getting the same errors I was getting before.
Also - Jessie, not Jessie lite.
But you did not receive any error message during removal and installation?
@yawns Nope, no errors there.
Anyone else got any ideas? Really want to get this thing going. I bought the Pi yesterday specifically for this :(
@EttVenter I would suggest a total reformatting of the SD card, get the Jessie lite image and put that on your sd card.
Then follow these instructions :
I’ll give that a shot!
Ok, so that all went well until I got to:
Get and install MagicMirror with the Automatic Installer: curl -sL | bash cd ~/MagicMirror
At which point, I get “No such file or directory”.
That feels like a small error that I should be able to figure out, but I just can’t seem to get past that point :/
@EttVenter and if you run
curl -sL
Without the bash cd command? -
@broberg Then i get this:
# This is an installer script for MagicMirror2. It works well enough # that it can detect if you have Node installed, run a binary script # and then download and run MagicMirror2. echo -e "\e[0m" echo '$$\ $$\ $$\ $$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\' echo '$$$\ $$$ | \__| $$$\ $$$ |\__| $$ __$$\' echo '$$$$\ $$$$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$\ $$$$ |$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ \__/ $$ |' echo '$$\$$\$$ $$ | \____$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ |$$ _____|$$\$$\$$ $$ |$$ |$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$$$$$ |' echo '$$ \$$$ $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ / $$ |$$ |$$ / $$ \$$$ $$ |$$ |$$ | \__|$$ | \__|$$ / $$ |$$ | \__|$$ ____/' echo '$$ |\$ /$$ |$$ __$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ |$$ | $$ |\$ /$$ |$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |' echo '$$ | \_/ $$ |\$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ | \_/ $$ |$$ |$$ | $$ | \$$$$$$ |$$ | $$$$$$$$\' echo '\__| \__| \_______| \____$$ |\__| \_______|\__| \__|\__|\__| \__| \______/ \__| \________|' echo ' $$\ $$ |' echo ' \$$$$$$ |' echo ' \______/' echo -e "\e[0m" # Define the tested version of Node.js. NODE_TESTED="v5.1.0" #Determine which Pi is running. ARM=$(uname -m) #Check the Raspberry Pi version. if [ "$ARM" != "armv7l" ]; then echo -e "\e[91mSorry, your Raspberry Pi is not supported." echo -e "\e[91mPlease run MagicMirror on a Raspberry Pi 2 or 3." echo -e "\e[91mIf this is a Pi Zero, you are in the same boat as the original Raspberry Pi. You must run in server only mode." exit; fi #define helper methods. function version_gt() { test "$(echo "$@" | tr " " "\n" | sort -V | head -n 1)" != "$1"; } function command_exists () { type "$1" &> /dev/null ;} # Installing helper tools echo -e "\e[96mInstalling helper tools ...\e[90m" sudo apt-get install curl wget git build-essential unzip || exit # Check if we need to install or upgrade Node.js. echo -e "\e[96mCheck current Node installation ...\e[0m" NODE_INSTALL=false if command_exists node; then echo -e "\e[0mNode currently installed. Checking version number."; NODE_CURRENT=$(node -v) echo -e "\e[0mMinimum Node version: \e[1m$NODE_TESTED\e[0m" echo -e "\e[0mInstalled Node version: \e[1m$NODE_CURRENT\e[0m" if version_gt $NODE_TESTED $NODE_CURRENT; then echo -e "\e[96mNode should be upgraded.\e[0m" NODE_INSTALL=true #Check if a node process is currenlty running. #If so abort installation. if pgrep "node" > /dev/null; then echo -e "\e[91mA Node process is currently running. Can't upgrade." echo "Please quit all Node processes and restart the installer." exit; fi else echo -e "\e[92mNo Node.js upgrade nessecery.\e[0m" fi else echo -e "\e[93mNode.js is not installed.\e[0m"; NODE_INSTALL=true fi # Install or upgrade node if necessary. if $NODE_INSTALL; then echo -e "\e[96mInstalling Node.js ...\e[90m" #Fetch the latest version of Node.js from the selected branch #The NODE_STABLE_BRANCH variable will need to be manually adjusted when a new branch is released. (e.g. 7.x) #Only tested (stable) versions are recommended as newer versions could break MagicMirror. NODE_STABLE_BRANCH="6.x" curl -sL$NODE_STABLE_BRANCH | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs echo -e "\e[92mNode.js installation Done!\e[0m" fi #Install magic mirror cd ~ if [ -d "$HOME/MagicMirror" ] ; then echo -e "\e[93mIt seems like MagicMirror is already installed." echo -e "To prevent overwriting, the installer will be aborted." echo -e "Please rename the \e[1m~/MagicMirror\e[0m\e[93m folder and try again.\e[0m" echo "" echo -e "If you want to upgrade your installation run \e[1m\e[97mgit pull\e[0m from the ~/MagicMirror directory." echo "" exit; fi echo -e "\e[96mCloning MagicMirror ...\e[90m" if git clone; then echo -e "\e[92mCloning MagicMirror Done!\e[0m" else echo -e "\e[91mUnable to clone MagicMirror." exit; fi cd ~/MagicMirror || exit echo -e "\e[96mInstalling dependencies ...\e[90m" if npm install; then echo -e "\e[92mDependencies installation Done!\e[0m" else echo -e "\e[91mUnable to install dependencies!" exit; fi # Check if plymouth is installed (default with PIXEL desktop environment), then install custom splashscreen. echo -e "\e[96mCheck plymouth installation ...\e[0m" if command_exists plymouth; then THEME_DIR="/usr/share/plymouth/themes" echo -e "\e[90mSplashscreen: Checking themes directory.\e[0m" if [ -d $THEME_DIR ]; then echo -e "\e[90mSplashscreen: Create theme directory if not exists.\e[0m" if [ ! -d $THEME_DIR/MagicMirror ]; then sudo mkdir $THEME_DIR/MagicMirror fi if sudo cp ~/MagicMirror/splashscreen/splash.png $THEME_DIR/MagicMirror/splash.png && sudo cp ~/MagicMirror/splashscreen/MagicMirror.plymouth $THEME_DIR/MagicMirror/MagicMirror.plymouth && sudo cp ~/MagicMirror/splashscreen/MagicMirror.script $THEME_DIR/MagicMirror/MagicMirror.script; then echo -e "\e[90mSplashscreen: Theme copied successfully.\e[0m" if sudo plymouth-set-default-theme -R MagicMirror; then echo -e "\e[92mSplashscreen: Changed theme to MagicMirror successfully.\e[0m" else echo -e "\e[91mSplashscreen: Couldn't change theme to MagicMirror!\e[0m" fi else echo -e "\e[91mSplashscreen: Copying theme failed!\e[0m" fi else echo -e "\e[91mSplashscreen: Themes folder doesn't exist!\e[0m" fi else echo -e "\e[93mplymouth is not installed.\e[0m"; fi echo " " echo -e "\e[92mWe're ready! Run \e[1m\e[97mDISPLAY=:0 npm start\e[0m\e[92m from the ~/MagicMirror directory to start your MagicMirror.\e[0m" echo " " echo " "
Literally no idea what happened there. But, if I navigate to the magicmirror folder now and do an “npm install”, I get:
pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror $ npm install npm WARN engine deep-extend@0.4.1: wanted: {"node":">=0.12.0","iojs":">=1.0.0"} (current: {"node":"0.10.29","npm":"1.4.21"}) / > electron@1.4.15 postinstall /home/pi/MagicMirror/node_modules/electron > node install.js sh: 1: node: not found npm WARN This failure might be due to the use of legacy binary "node" npm WARN For further explanations, please read /usr/share/doc/nodejs/README.Debian npm ERR! electron@1.4.15 postinstall: `node install.js` npm ERR! Exit status 127 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the electron@1.4.15 postinstall script. npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the electron package, npm ERR! not with npm itself. npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system: npm ERR! node install.js npm ERR! You can get their info via: npm ERR! npm owner ls electron npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! System Linux 4.4.38-v7+ npm ERR! command "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" npm ERR! cwd /home/pi/MagicMirror npm ERR! node -v v0.10.29 npm ERR! npm -v 1.4.21 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in: npm ERR! /home/pi/MagicMirror/npm-debug.log npm ERR! not ok code 0