Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@myfingersarecold said in MMM-MPlayer:
I couldnt get the EXT-FreeboxTV module to work on my magic mirror
Out of curiosity what was the issue with it?
I use that module all the time to watch the TV channels of my Enigma2 decoder.
@myfingersarecold said in MMM-MPlayer:
regarding #2 on my pi i didnt have to rotate the mplayer orientation, but i adjusted the output of my pi to portrait and everything behaved but ymmv depending on how it’s setup.
Could you please tell me how you do the general rotation to portrait ?
I use the custom.css to get it rotated clockwise.
As MPlayer is an overlay, like OMXPlayer, it is not affected by this.body { : : transform: rotate(-90deg); transform-origin: top left; width: 100vh; height: 100vw; : : }
But of course there are more, potential better, ways of getting it rotated.
i didnt use this guide to do it, but this is how i rotated my screen.
I am running the latest version of raspbian on my pi3
this results in my magicmirror instance loading in portrait mode, and my 16x9 streams loading properly where i want them without having to do any CSS rotation.
@Cr4z33 no idea but couldn’t get RTSP streams to work.
HI, im running my MM on on Proxmox VM and pointing my display to IP on VM, when i try to run Mplayer it just displays black box but no feed, i doo see the feed on the server VM. any ideas how to get this playing on my remote display?
@Guku did you expose that port on the vm to another connecting host?
maybe a firewall filter?I don’t use proxmox, but I see this on windows VM’s all the time
thanks for checking in with me, i gave up on the player since even when i ran it localy on my VM the camera feed was delayed by about 5sec which defeted the pourpose. thanks anyways!
Just a comment
I am using MagicMirror on a pi using bullseye 32bit.
When using a rpi4 everything works fine. When I transfer the sd card to a rpi3 every time the MPlayer shows a live feed the desktop taskbar shows up, when MPlayer is switching between feeds the taskbar is not visible.
This is probably due to my specific choice of settings but just thought it might help someone.
@clakkentt if you use my backup/restore to capture your MM config
and build a new card ON the pi3, and install MM and restore the config
do you see the same problem?backup/restore here
install/upgrade here
Yes the problem is the same. I initially had MM running on a rpi3, when I installed MMM-MPlayer, I noticed the taskbar showing every time there was a feed showing.
I started from scratch on an rpi4 and saw no problem but when I transferred the card to the rpi3 the issue came up again.Since I wanted to keep using the rpi3 for the MagicMirror I solved the problem by making the taskbar 0 pixels in height.