Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@HeikoGr Thanks for coming back on this, appreciate!
Unfortunately I have no luck with this either.
I added the days option, also the examsDays.
I still get only “Unterricht nach Plan - no changes, all according to plan” (and now also “no exams planned” - of course).I also added useClassTimeTable and showRegularLessons and showSubject - no change.
It seems the school is hiding all info :)
On the web interface I can see the schedule and the changes are visible in that schedule/table by stroke thru boxes for the specific lessons only, no comments in addition.
But it would already help if I could see the table in my mirror.
I tried without any options - I guess this is what brings up your screenshot - but same result.
I assume the QR option should be no difference compared to user/password, right?
I checked startup log and I see an error for this module now - no clue how to fix though…
using latest version[2025-01-21 17:40:37.807] [ERROR] ERROR! Could not find main module js file for untis
[2025-01-21 17:40:37.961] [ERROR] GitError: Error: spawn git ENOENT
at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:284:19)
at onErrorNT (node:internal/child_process:477:16)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)
at Object.action (C:\MagicMirror\modules\MMM-Remote-Control\node_modules\simple-git\dist\cjs\index.js:1445:25)
at PluginStore.exec (C:\MagicMirror\modules\MMM-Remote-Control\node_modules\simple-git\dist\cjs\index.js:1494:29)
at C:\MagicMirror\modules\MMM-Remote-Control\node_modules\simple-git\dist\cjs\index.js:1921:43
at new Promise ()
at GitExecutorChain.handleTaskData (C:\MagicMirror\modules\MMM-Remote-Control\node_modules\simple-git\dist\cjs\index.js:1919:16)
at GitExecutorChain. (C:\MagicMirror\modules\MMM-Remote-Control\node_modules\simple-git\dist\cjs\index.js:1903:44)
at ()
at fulfilled (C:\MagicMirror\modules\MMM-Remote-Control\node_modules\simple-git\dist\cjs\index.js:52:24) {
task: {
commands: [ ‘remote’, ‘-v’ ],
format: ‘utf-8’,
parser: [Function: parseGetRemotesVerbose]
}If I use the debug option, I don’t get the above error, but I see:
[2025-01-21 17:49:39.758] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-Webuntis
[2025-01-21 17:49:39.879] [INFO] [MMM-Webuntis] Node helper started
[2025-01-21 17:49:39.984] [LOG] Sockets connected & modules started …
[2025-01-21 17:49:40.077] [INFO]Ready to go! Please point your browser to: blabla
[2025-01-21 17:49:47.299] [LOG] Create new calendarfetcher for url: https://calendar.googlblabla
[2025-01-21 17:49:47.643] [INFO] [MMM-Webuntis] Successfully fetched data
[2025-01-21 17:49:47.648] [INFO] updatenotification: Updater Class Loaded!
[2025-01-21 17:49:47.652] [INFO] updatenotification: Checking PM2 using…
[2025-01-21 17:49:47.659] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-Webuntis
[2025-01-21 17:49:47.746] [INFO] updatenotification: [PM2] You are not using pm2
[2025-01-21 17:49:47.759] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-Videoplayer
[2025-01-21 17:49:47.836] [INFO] Checking git for module: MagicMirror
[2025-01-21 17:49:48.305] [LOG] [MMM-Webuntis] ERROR for student: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘0’) -
@Eli looks interesting
- Why are the references to c:\ do you run magicmirror on windows?
- what’s your way to install a new module? Do you use an module for this?
@Eli the module surely isn‘t running properly.
I think the module MMM-Remote-Control tries to run git to get the npm module untis (which is required by my module) and has no success.
But this is only a guess… could be totally wrong
first let me say thanks for this module and your work!
I have a similar issue as Eli:
I only get info “all according to plan”. Even if I use “showRegularLessons”: true, I’m not getting anything else.
in the startuplog I get this error for MMM-Webuntis:
1|MagicMirror | [2025-01-22 09:02:11.901] [LOG] [MMM-Webuntis] ERROR for : TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘0’)My config is as follow (removed real data from URL:
{ module:"MMM-Webuntis", position:"bottom_left", header:"Emma Schule", config: { students: [ { title:"", qrcode:"untis://setschool?", days:"10", }, ], showRegularLessons: true } },
Any help is much appreciated, cause I find the idea really good!
Note to myself: enhance error handling
I did a clean reinstall on my machine and it worked with your config (and our qr code).
Maybe the school doesn’t publish personal timetables?
Can you try to set
useClassTimetable: true,
added that to my config, but nothing changed.
When I login to WebUntis via Browser, I can see a “My Timetable” (Mein Stundenplan). Not sure if there is a language difference or something.
When I change the login information, I get error messages in the log, so the login itself seems to work and it gets data, even if it is just “all according to plan”. But not the data.What I also noticed is that there are two “My Timetable” in the web overview - one marked with beta.
URL for non-beta:
URL for beta: for class:
So I think the school allowed the timetables you are asking for.
Thanks for taking your time! Let me know if I can provide further information.
I am experiencing an issue with your MMM-WebUntis module. Despite following the setup instructions and providing the correct credentials, I am unable to log in. After testing, I believe the issue may be related to the presence of an umlaut (e.g., ö) and/or a whitespace in the school name.My Setup:
MagicMirror Version: v2.29.0
MMM-WebUntis Module Version: Latest from repository
School Name: Contains an umlaut (ö) and a space
Login Method: My school uses iserv ( for authentication. I do not have direct login credentials for the WebUntis portal but instead rely on the QR code provided by the school, which works in the official WebUntis app.Configuration:
Here is an example of my configuration (with pseudodata replacing sensitive values):
{ module: "MMM-Webuntis", position: "top_right", header: "WebUntis Schedule", config: { students: [ { title: "Student1", qrcode: "untis://setschool? with ö and space&user=username&key=ABC12345&schoolNumber=1234567", useClassTimetable: true } ], days: 10, mode: "verbose" } }
Error Messages:
Here are the errors I encountered:
When using the QR code:
[LOG] ERROR for Student1: Error: Request failed with status code 400
Debugging with the check.js script
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND undefined
When manually entering the school name, username, and password instead of using qrcode:
Error: Failed to login. {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"Awesome","error":{"message":"bad credentials","code":-8504}}
The QR code provided by webuntis contains the following (copied directly from the QR code content):
You see, the miscoding of the ö.untis://setschool? name with � and space&user=username&key=ABC12345&schoolNumber=1234567
The umlaut (ö) in the school name seems to cause issues.
There is also a whitespace in the school name.Even when encoding the URL (e.g., using %C3%B6 for ö and %20 for the whitespace), I still encounter errors. I tried various configurations, including:
"school%20name%20with%20%C3%B6%20and%20space" "schoolname with ö and space" "schoolname+with+oe+and+space" ...
The QR code works perfectly in the WebUntis app, so I believe the credentials and format are correct. But my school uses iserv for authentication, meaning I do not have a standard WebUntis username and password.
@kurkarte you can try to search your school at . On the next site the school name in the URL could work if you replace empty spa es with „+“ signs.
@OliWer i pushed a fix to github.
I was able to reproduce your error.
it should work now. -
Data is getting displayed now, will play around with it more later. Thank you very much!