Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Face recognition
@notgood nuc is running Linux? ubuntu maybe
fundamentally install should be the same. i didn’t see anything arm/pi specific in its install instructions
@notgood I just installed FaceReco-DNN on an Ubutnu 22.04 virtual machine on my mac. using MagicMirror 2.30.0, nodejs 20.18.1, python 3.10.12
dlib build took 5 minutes. (had to install cmake which his instructions didn’t handle)
@sdetweil my pi 3 couldn’t install dlib I did install cmake, I will try with nuc thank you
I installed everything it seems to work since I use nuc I don’t have picamera and the module use picamera to detect I want to use webcam,Does anyone know how to use webcam instead of pi camera
@notgood looks like he changed the ocv interface to ONLY use pi camera
if you look at the older version (1.0.5)
you can see the code for other cameras, usepicamera:true was an option then