Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Button / modul
@Marko well, you really can’t open links in that manner inside the MM, either you have to open a seperate browser or maybe if it’s possible to run google within an iframe (can’t remember the latest verdict on this subject).
And, what version of the mirror are you running?
@broberg i’m running MM ver. 2.1.0 on Win 10 and Node.js 7.9.0 installed
@Marko aahh okey. To be able to click on anything on the 2.1.0 and prevoius versions you need to change the fullcreen region property.
So either update to 2.1.1 or add
.region.fullscreen { pointer-events: none; } .region.fullscreen * { pointer-events: auto; }
To your custom.css file
@broberg thank you so much, i did it finally. I can’t upgrade to v.2.1.1 (i tray it on Linux and Respberry pi3) but it wont launch on Windows, becuse he use sh to launch the app (MM). I will tray to add sh to Environment Varibale… But this is good for now.
Thx again
External sites works good. Is someone familiar with error “Cannot GET *.html”, allways get this error when i tray to link to local site (html). If someone know how to solve the problem can please respond?