Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-NokiaHealth (Withings)
@zdenek Pls check the region that you set in your config. I only get this error, when I am using an invalid config position.
@strawberry-3.141 You are right, there was typo in Position. Now there is no error, but the module is not visible at all. No Error, but in Source code of page I can see the data, so it means, ID is right, script gets data, just doesn’t display. Could be cause I’ve another iFrame on the screen?
Hi there is it possible to see a screenshot of how the graph looks like on the mirror, Thanks.
I am sorry for the really slow response time, I have been totally swamped at work.
When it shows on the screen, it is essentially a small iframe in the middle with a graph (I will at some point get a screenshot)
However I have realized that the IFTTT integration is waaaaaay to slow, it will check once every 15 minutes, and then I have usually left the mirror. I need to figure out a way to instantly get the information from the scale. I have a few ideas but simply not enough time.
Hmmmmm i see your predicament sir…
I am just airing one idea here:
Using the I should be able to setup a listener for Withings Scales (by either destination URL or MAC address) once a device is detected show the graph.
Please feel free to share your thoughts on that? I do not know if this is too much for the MagicMirror to handle with pcap add-on. Perhaps this should be a separate plugin that can be reused for other device detections.
had a look at the pcap add-on to be honest i think its going to be heavy for just a listener
still doesn’t work for me. I’ve tried new Raspberry pi 3, clean install of NOOB, installed MM, updated everything. Installed just few modules (Simple logo and MMM-WunderGround) and Nokia. It connects to server, get the data, but just not to create the graph. as you can see,
, div is created, and in Dev console is no error and in seleted DIV are located data
Of course I ran npm install after installation of module Nokia.thanks for help, Zdeněk
I know, I know, I know, the use case is convoluted and it needs work work work.
The graph will not display until a remote server flag is set. This was to avoid opening ports in the local network (which is not possible with me). The graph is supposed to only show when you have been on the scale (I am working on something that will make that user configurable, but time, ohhhh that missing time)
For now, try manually from your phone or laptop or somewhere else calling:[youruserid]&a=setThat will set a server flag that the module will check in order to show the graph. The idea was you can use IFTTT to set the server flag and show the graph, this was the model because IFTTT has a trigger for Withings new measurement. This does not work because the IFTTT trigger has a delay of up to 15 minutes.
@petero-dk thx, but now I’m confused even more. I did the trick with a=set and after start MM I can see the graph (there was somehting like “Values for…” but I’ve of course named ppl in the device) and small graph (need to resize, cause I can identify that the weight is between 50 and 100 kilos - this not enough to monitor the weight differences). Anyway, the graph after few secs disappeard and doesn’t start anymore. I tried restart MM (not the whole RP). So it’s not the same - in the DEV I can see values, no error, but on the screen no graph.
btw, great job - everyone, who is able own module is for me like magic-man