Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Motion Detector
@DirkS and i see now after few hours, it won’t wake up anymore :(
@DirkS forget my last posts… i restarted (reinstall MM) everything and i m trying to figure out how to avoid the black screen now…
This post is deleted! -
@chrisvanlaar said in Motion Detector:
After reading here the motion works on my MM.
Now ik want to go out of the sleep mode when a new mail or i get a phonecall. (it reads from my Fritzbox).
Can i build in this option also? or is it better in the phone/mail module.Chris
I mean that i have the camera module connected to my PI3. In the /boot/config.txt i had the (@reboot sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2 ) and it works! :-)
Hi All,
I’ve revamped the motiondetector module to use a more optimised code to detect the motion from the web camera. The old one was performing very poorly. The new code works many times better. Just pull the latest from
- Alex
Hi Alex,
thank you so much for your work! Unfortunately my MM start with a black screen after the update. I tried to reboot my Raspi but it didn’t help. Should I make a npm install after the update?
@trividar My apologies. This should be fixed. Just pull the latest.
@alexyak Now my MM start. But after awhile (2 min) i got this error and my MM freeze:
I disabled the DHT module but than i got this error:
Do you have also a solution for this? THX a lot!
@trividar I don’t see anything related to the motiondetector in your logs. It seems the error coming from the mmm-systemperature/node_helper.js