Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Module Position
@maxbachmann short version: with es6 you should never use var. it has scope issues. const doesn’t work exactly like in other programming languages. It only prevents from assigning a new reference so strings integers booleans … are fixed. But objects and arrays can still be modified.
And you don’t want to keep this, it was only a placeholder for your notifications, thats why you thought is const always there.
const moduleToMove = 'clock'; const targetRegion = 'top.left';
you should also be carefull setting the variable
as it is a global variable of MM.I don’t get the part why you build the message string.
Also you should consider creating another if/else as
if (notification === 'HIDE_SHOW') {
has nothing todo with changing positions of modules.Exactly what you are doing is bad it schould look more like this:
socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { if (notification === 'HIDE_SHOW') { const obj = JSON.parse(; const max = obj.slots.length; let HideShow; for (let i = 0; i < max; ++i){ if (obj.slots[i].slotName === "HIDE" || obj.slots[i].slotName === "SHOW") { HideShow = obj.slots[i].slotName; } } let module; for (let i = 0; i < max; ++i){ if (obj.slots[i].slotName === "MODULE") { module = obj.slots[i].value.value; break; } } // why do you build this message??? it's never used const Message = HideShow + "_" + module; const moduleToMove = 'clock'; const targetRegion = 'top.left'; MM.getModules().enumerate((module) => { if ( === moduleToMove) { const instance = document.getElementById(module.identifier); const region = document.querySelector(`div.region.${targetRegion} div.container`); region.appendChild(instance); //region.insertBefore(instance, region.childNodes[0]) = 'block'; } }); this.loaded = true; this.sendNotification(Message); } if (notification === 'ERROR') { this.sendNotification('SHOW_ALERT', payload); } }
- The Message I already thought yesterday that it’s better To just Do
This.sendNotification(buildthemessagetring) - I have hide/Show And Move in The Same If because it’s connected To a Speech recognition that gives me hide/Show And Move To The Same mqtt so they Are absolutely connected in My case, but yes HIDE_SHOW should get changed To HIDE_SHOW_MOVE
- I just did Not replace your Test strings By the right Part of The objects yet ;)
- have To try that later because yesterday I did change those variables To const but then it worked for The First command, but the Moment I Wanted To perform a Second Action like Showing again it did Not work anymore
Thats Why I was Not Sure wether I am allowed To use const but will Look in that later
Thx for The explanation so let is basically a local Variable, var a global definetly At a pretty Random position and const Is local And can’t Be changed right?
- The Message I already thought yesterday that it’s better To just Do
'use strict'; /* global Module */ /* Magic Mirror * Module: MMM-Snips * * By Max Bachmann * MIT Licensed. */ Module.register('MMM-Snips', { //defaultvalues that get taken when not defined differently in the config file defaults: { mqttServer: 'mqtt://', topic: 'hermes/intent/captn2:module_hide_show', }, start: function() { let self = this;'Starting module: ' +; self.loaded = false; self.updateMqtt(self); }, //call the Node_helper updateMqtt: function(self) { self.sendSocketNotification('MQTT_SERVER', {mqttServer: self.config.mqttServer, topic: self.config.topic }); }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { let self = this; if (notification === 'HIDE_SHOW_MOVE') { //create a JSON object and retrieve the modulename, wether to show or hide it, //the position to move it to and wether it should get prepended or appended const obj = JSON.parse(; let HideShow; for (let i = 0; i < obj.slots.length; ++i){ if (obj.slots[i].slotName === "HIDE" || obj.slots[i].slotName === "SHOW") { HideShow = obj.slots[i].slotName; } } let modulename; for (let i = 0; i < obj.slots.length; ++i){ if (obj.slots[i].slotName === "MODULE") { modulename = obj.slots[i].value.value; break; } } let newposition; let TopBottom; for (let i = 0; i < obj.slots.length; ++i){ if (obj.slots[i].slotName === "POSITION") { newposition = obj.slots[i].value.value; for (let i = 0; i < obj.slots.length; ++i){ if (obj.slots[i].slotName === "TOPBOTTOM") { TopBottom = obj.slots[i].value.value; break; } } break; } } // When the Module is know and where to move it it get's moved to the new position if (newposition != null && modulename != null){ MM.getModules().enumerate((module) => { if ( === modulename) { const instance = document.getElementById(module.identifier); const region = document.querySelector(`div.region.${targetRegion} div.container`); if (TopBottom === "BOTTOM"){ region.appendChild(instance); }else{ region.insertBefore(instance, region.childNodes[0]) } = 'block'; } }); } self.loaded = true; // When the Module is know and wether to show or hide it then it gets shown/hidden if (HideShow != null && modulename != null){ switch(modulename) { case "PAGEONE": break; case "PAGETWO": break; case "PAGETHREE": break; case "PAGEFOUR": break; default: self.sendNotification(HideShow + "_" + modulename); } } } } });
'use strict'; /* Magic Mirror * Module: MMM-Snips * * By Max Bachmann * MIT Licensed. */ const NodeHelper = require('node_helper'); let mqtt = require('mqtt'); module.exports = NodeHelper.create({ start: function() { console.log('MMM-mqtt_display started ...'); }, getMqtt: function(payload) { let self = this; //connects to a mqtt client let client = mqtt.connect(payload.mqttServer); //after connecting to the mqtt client subscribes to //'hermes/intent/captn2:module_hide_show' client.on('connect', function() { client.subscribe(payload.topic); }); //When a message arrives that is in the right topic, the voicesession gets continued //by sending a message with session id and ah answer text to //'hermes/dialogueManager/continueSession', so the hotword is not needed again //Afterwards the original message gets send back to MMM-Snips client.on('message', function(topic, message) { if (topic === 'hermes/intent/captn2:module_hide_show') { const messagestring = message.toString(); const obj = JSON.parse(messagestring); let continueobj = { "sessionId":"", "text":"Kann ich sonst noch etwas für dich tun?" } continueobj.sessionId = obj.sessionId; client.publish('hermes/dialogueManager/continueSession', JSON.stringify(continueobj)) self.sendSocketNotification('HIDE_SHOW', {'data':messagestring}) } }); }, //after getting called the getMqtt function gets called socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { let self = this; if (notification === 'MQTT_SERVER') { self.getMqtt(payload); } } });
Thats my full code I use: Are there still things that should be different for performance, or just because thats not a usual way to do it ;)
@maxbachmann said in Module Position:
self.sendNotification(HideShow + “_” + modulename);
tells the other module to hide. I saw there is the function
modulename.hide() , but I could not get it to work. Whats the name I have to use there to make it work? -
I can see that you are still refering to targetRegion, but it’s nowhere defined.
const region = document.querySelector(`div.region.${targetRegion} div.container`);
can’t work, in your case modulename is just a string and a string doesn’t have a hide function, what you want instead is calling the hide function of the module instance, which would be in your case something like:MM.getModules().enumerate((module) => { if ( === modulename) { module.hide(); } });
There are more things to do, but what I spotted shouldn’t break anything.
yes already saw that yesterday forgot to replace it ;)
yes decided to do some majopr changes to improve it (hope to finish them today)
I am new to javascript why I asked because I don’t need to learn the stuff in a wrong way from start off. So any tips on improving the code that are a general thing so that I should think off when doing other stuff with javascript I am really interested in
This version of the MMM-Carousel module can move modules to different position on different “slides” – the slides can be changed automatically (interval based) or manually (keyboard/navigation buttons) or via Socket Notifications.
See the very bottom of the README file for how to set it up in your config.
@shbatm looks nice ;) I might use this slide indicator for my module, thats a really nice idea
@maxbachmann If you create a github repo, than I can make suggestions what you could improve
@strawberry-3-141 I will when I finished, but have to do some other stuff for the speech recognition first. Will let you know when I posted it on github