Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Start or not...?
Sorry guys i need your help again!
I had to reinstall raspbian due to a module that did not work.
Before formatting the SD, I backed up the MagicMirror folder.
Question: can I copy the folders with the old modules (Mmm-assistantmk2, MMM-Pages, etc…) in the new MagicMirror installation?Thanks.
Some modules could be copied. But some modules couldn’t. They needs new installation for dependencies. -
@sean Let’s take the example of the “AssistantMk2” module.
To copy the module I should follow these steps:-
Install the pre-dependencies: sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev sox libsox-fmt-all
I copy the “MMM-AssistantMk2” folder to the new “modules” folder.
In theory I should not follow the fourth chapter of the installation guide IV. Google Assistant Setup, because the configuration has already been implemented.
All right?
I copy the “MMM-AssistantMk2” folder to the new “modules” folder.
I can not guarantee your copied folder might work because it is not “built/compiled” on new machine.