Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Optimal Mirror - Light Transmission
I am looking in different mirrors with different light transmissions. I was wondering if is there any standard % of the light transmission for the “optimum” smart mirror? Maybe people which they have opinion on this matter they can advice, post pictures and comment in order to create a kind of standard for the optimum solution.
@meobeou - The smart mirror glass from is 30% transparent and works really well.
@meobeou I’m not sure about the %. I’ve seen some say 50/50 is the best. You could also check the difference in mirrors vs. foils here - there is pictures and video about it :-)
@mdhenriksen all depends what you are after if the op has a weak back light display and is a bright room and also wants to play movies and so on then 50/50 for anything other than the above 70/30 would be fine and ok for watching videos