Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
On my TEST System, I just did a fresh install of MM2 and after that a fresh install of MMM-MyGarbage. Copy and Paste the configuration as in the into the config.js and no errors. MMM-MyGarbage displays 2 entries with the garbage_schedule.csv that is installed with the git clone…
@Chris62, @werffje, if you still expirience problems, than:
- add config.js into reply
- look at the javascript console if you see any errors in the Console tab
Open Javascript Console:
Press Command+Option+J (Mac) or Control+Shift+J (Windows, Linux, Chrome OS) to open the Console- any other information that maybe relevant
I’ll look at it and try to reproduce and/or correct the issue.
Thanks for your reply. I have fixed it now. I loaded the csv file into excel to alter the dates but something was wrong with the formatting and I just couldn’t get it to work. Anyway, I loaded up MM into a Ubuntu virtual machine and changed the dates in notepad. I sorted out the config issue (I moved the position within the config file to make it easier to read but accidentally did copy rather than cut and paste so I had two loading), fired it up and it worked like a charm. I have now copied everything to my Pi and it now works there too.
Just a quick question, I only have two bins, blue and green, is it possible to remove the column for the other one without mucking it up, or should I just set all the values to zero?
@Chris62 Good to hear it’s fixed.
You can do both- Remove the unused column entirly
- Fill the unused column with zero’s
As of version v1.2.0 you can also use you’re own column names, as long as they are color names. The garbage bin is showed in the color of the name of the column.
04/15/19,1,1 -
OMG I’m such a noob forgive me, I forgot the alert: 4 line in my config.js
It works great now, thanks !!
@werffje :thumbs_up_light_skin_tone:
best module ever :-)
@rvanuden :hugging_face: :thumbs_up_light_skin_tone:
We have 4 garbage bins. (Green,Black, Bleu and Yellow), is it possible to use 4 types instead of 3?
You can use this module by creating your own Garbage Schedule file with the name garbage_schedule.csv An example file garbage_schedule.csv is added.Create a CSV based on the following template:
03/28/18,1,1,1Default there are 3 bins defined (green, gray and blue) If you need more garbage bins, simply add an extra column in the garbage_schedule.csv file. The name is the color you like the bin to have. In you case ‘yellow’.
Add lines for each garbage pickup date as needed. The date format needs to be specified as MM/DD/YY (e.g.: 05/28/18 for 28-May-2018)