I am having to refresh the Token every 24 hrs, is there a way to combat this?
I am having to refresh the Token every 24 hrs, is there a way to combat this?
@tommy1974 said in Videofeed by tuya(smarlife) doorbell:
Is there a module like MMM-Ring for the doorbell by Tuya or smartlife?
When someone ring your bell the videofeed pops up in the MagicMiror?Kind regards
I would like this as well
Does anyone know how to make the token permanent?
At the moment I am having to refresh it every day.
I am having to refresh the Token every 24 hrs, is there a way to combat this?
Anyone come across this before?
MMM-Todoist working fine but when the refresh happens the entire MM restarts!
Suggestions anyone?
@cbrooker Strange thing is happening here, when it refreshes the list at 10 minutes my mirror restarts, any suggestions?
Can I send the code over to you as I cannot get mine to work and breaks the config file
My solar panels are monitered by a company called Owl Intuition.
Can someone create a module to show the generated, used and exported date please.
@sdetweil Fixed it by copying the lower portion of the sample file into the live file, will look at the differences later to see where I went wrong, thank you for your help.
@sdetweil Do I just remove it?
Coding is not my strong suit, I tried adding an extra module and got it very wrong
@sdetweil I have broken something and I cannot see where
/*************** AUTO GENERATED BY REMOTE CONTROL MODULE ***************/
var config =
address: '',
electronOptions: {},
ipWhitelist: [],
modules: [
module: 'MMM-Remote-Control',
position: 'bottom_right',
config: {
apiKey: '',
customCommand: {}
module: 'alert',
config: {}
module: 'updatenotification',
position: 'top_bar',
config: {}
module: 'clock',
position: 'top_left',
config: {}
module: 'calendar',
header: 'UK Holidays',
position: 'top_left',
config: {
calendars: [
symbol: 'calendar-check',
url: 'webcal://www.calendarlabs.com/ical-calendar/ics/75/UK_Holidays.ics'
titleReplace: {
'De verjaardag van ': '',
'\'s birthday': ''
excludedEvents: []
module: 'currentweather',
position: 'top_right',
config: {
location: 'Cwmbran',
locationID: '2651654',
appid: 'c1a5ad438e20f60a0f61165ef64837da',
iconTable: {
'01d': 'wi-day-sunny',
'02d': 'wi-day-cloudy',
'03d': 'wi-cloudy',
'04d': 'wi-cloudy-windy',
'09d': 'wi-showers',
'10d': 'wi-rain',
'11d': 'wi-thunderstorm',
'13d': 'wi-snow',
'50d': 'wi-fog',
'01n': 'wi-night-clear',
'02n': 'wi-night-cloudy',
'03n': 'wi-night-cloudy',
'04n': 'wi-night-cloudy',
'09n': 'wi-night-showers',
'10n': 'wi-night-rain',
'11n': 'wi-night-thunderstorm',
'13n': 'wi-night-snow',
'50n': 'wi-night-alt-cloudy-windy'
header: ''
module: 'weatherforecast',
position: 'top_right',
header: 'Weather Forecast',
config: {
location: 'Cwmbran',
locationID: '2651654',
appid: '6ad7c913f464a99eef2b61631b084d42',
iconTable: {
'01d': 'wi-day-sunny',
'02d': 'wi-day-cloudy',
'03d': 'wi-cloudy',
'04d': 'wi-cloudy-windy',
'09d': 'wi-showers',
'10d': 'wi-rain',
'11d': 'wi-thunderstorm',
'13d': 'wi-snow',
'50d': 'wi-fog',
'01n': 'wi-night-clear',
'02n': 'wi-night-cloudy',
'03n': 'wi-night-cloudy',
'04n': 'wi-night-cloudy',
'09n': 'wi-night-showers',
'10n': 'wi-night-rain',
'11n': 'wi-night-thunderstorm',
'13n': 'wi-night-snow',
'50n': 'wi-night-alt-cloudy-windy'
module: 'newsfeed',
position: 'top_center',
config: {
feeds: [
title: 'BBC News',
url: 'http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml'
showDescription: true,
ignoreOldItems: true,
scrollLength: true,
startTags: [],
endTags: [],
prohibitedWords: []
header: ''
paths: {
modules: 'modules',
vendor: 'vendor'
/*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/
if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {module.exports = config;}