Show electricity price data from Tibber.
Tibber customers can see the price per hour for today and tomorrow.
See for more.
Show electricity price data from Tibber.
Tibber customers can see the price per hour for today and tomorrow.
See for more.
I am Otto, a software developer from Trondheim, and father of 3 children from 15-21 years old. I have built a MM a few years ago, but now I am just using the software on a screen in my kitchen. It is the information I love, not the mirror :-)
I have built several modules that I have shared, and I have more ideas. Programming is not only my job, it is also my hobby, together with electronics, hunting and food smoking.
Hi folks, I just updated the MMM-Tibber module, so now it also shows consumption, if you have Tibber Pulse installed. Please help testing, and report bugs on Github.
A new version of MMM-Tibber is ready, now showing immediate power, voltage and current. It is also possible to include additional costs in the electricity price.
Alternatively the gauges can be shown in a separate instnce of the module, and even vertically positioned.
The module only makes sense for Tibber customers.
The scrolling is just another challenge, I believe. I imagine either two buttons that can attach as a keyboard and act as arrow keys, or a kind of motion detection, for example using a HC-SR04 or a camera.
It should work for any web page.
Is there any way this is possible? A want to find a web page on my phone, for example a food recipe, and then send it to the MagicMirror, which is a screen in my kitchen, and get it displayed there, preferably on the whole screen.
Any idea how this can be done?
I am Otto, a software developer from Trondheim, and father of 3 children from 15-21 years old. I have built a MM a few years ago, but now I am just using the software on a screen in my kitchen. It is the information I love, not the mirror :-)
I have built several modules that I have shared, and I have more ideas. Programming is not only my job, it is also my hobby, together with electronics, hunting and food smoking.
A new version of MMM-Tibber is ready, now showing immediate power, voltage and current. It is also possible to include additional costs in the electricity price.
Alternatively the gauges can be shown in a separate instnce of the module, and even vertically positioned.
The module only makes sense for Tibber customers.
Hi folks, I just updated the MMM-Tibber module, so now it also shows consumption, if you have Tibber Pulse installed. Please help testing, and report bugs on Github.
Hi all.
I haven’t gotten any notifications from this forum, so I was not aware of the conversation until today, when @kennethnilssen mentioned it on github. Sorry about that.
I believe the issue with the this.log() statement in node_helper.js is solved and fixed in the latest version on Github.
I just received my Tibber Pulse, so I am currently working on showing consumption, and will also look in to real time consumption (as asked by @retroflex), so I am currently doing a major upgrade.
To @lavolp3 's question about Highcharts, yes, as I understand their license terms, it is free to use for non-commercial purposes, like this obviously is.
If you have bug reports or change suggestions, I prefer them as github issues.
Cool to see so many people using this :-) It is inspiring!
Show electricity price data from Tibber.
Tibber customers can see the price per hour for today and tomorrow.
See for more.
Se MMM-WeConnect at Github for more information.